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TEAM HILLARY: Karl Rove Is The One Who's Sick
A spokesman for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blasted Karl Rove on Tuesday afternoon, days after his comments questioning her health at a New York City conference became public. According to a New York Post report, Rove suggested multiple times during the conference Clinton may have suffered a "traumatic brain injury" when she was hospitalized in 2012 for a blood clot caused by a concussion she suffered in a fall. Though Clinton's team refuted Rove's remarks in the Post's story, spokesman Nick Merrill went further Tuesday afternoon in a statement provided to Business Insider. Merrill said Rove's behavior was "its own form of sickness" and an attempt to make a false political issue out of Clinton's health. "From the moment this happened seventeen months ago, the Right has politicized her health," Merrill said in the statement. "First they accused her of faking it, now they’ve resorted to the other extreme – and are flat out lying. Even this morning, Karl Rove is still all over the map and is continuing to get the facts wrong. But he doesn’t care, because all he wants to do is inject the issue into the echo chamber, and he's succeeding. It’s flagrant and thinly veiled." Merrill also suggested Rove and other conservatives are afraid of Clinton. "They are scared of what she has achieved and what she has to offer. What he’s doing is its own form of sickness," Merill said. Merrill also repeated the Clinton camp's initial response to the Post story, which was that her physical condition is "100%, period." "Time for them to move on to their next desperate attack," he said. Rove backtracked slightly on his reported comments Tuesday during an appearance on Fox News. However, he said her health will be a concern in a potential 2016 run for president "whether she likes it or not." "I didn’t say she had brain damage," Rove said. "My point was, is that Hillary Clinton wants to run for president, but she would not be human if this didn’t enter in as a consideration. And my other point is, this will be an issue in the 2016 race, whether she likes it or not." |
據外媒報道,繼美國前總統布什顧問卡爾·羅夫質疑前國務卿希拉里的健康問題后,5月13日下午,希拉里·克林頓的發言人炮轟卡爾·羅夫。 據《紐約時報》報道,羅夫在會議中多次暗示克林頓可能患“腦損傷”,因為她曾在2012年因腦震蕩產生血凝塊住院。 盡管克林頓團隊反駁了羅夫在《華盛頓郵報》上的言論,發言人梅里爾還是在13日下午進一步在Business Insider(美國知名科技博客)上發表聲明,指責羅夫這樣做是因為他自己“有病”,所以企圖制造關于克林頓身體健康的虛假政治話題。 “這件事發生的17個月前,右翼派一直將她的健康問題政治化,他們之前指責希拉里假裝生病,現在又采取另一個極端手段,制造謊言。”梅里爾在聲明中說。甚至到今天早上為止,卡爾·羅夫仍然繼續顛倒是非。但是他并不在乎事實本身,他只是想成功地挑起話題,他的行為如此明目張膽,目的一覽無遺。 梅里爾還暗示羅夫和其他保守黨在害怕克林頓。 “他們在害怕希拉里取得的成績和貢獻,他這樣做才是有病。” 梅里爾同時重申了克林頓陣營對《華盛頓郵報》的最初回應,認為希拉里百分之百健康。 “現在將是他們進行下一輪攻擊的時候了。” 羅夫在福克斯新聞中否認了他在13日發表的言論。然而,他依舊表示,不管她樂不樂意,她的健康問題可能會影響到2016年的總統競選。 “我沒有說她患有腦損傷,我的觀點是,因為希拉里·克林頓想要競選總統,我們必須考慮這個問題。并且,不管她樂意與否,這都將成為2016總統競選的一個問題。” (譯者 Stellalu 編輯 王輝) 掃一掃,關注微博微信
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