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Putin jokes that Obama should 'get a job in court somewhere' if he wants to judge people
'If [President Obama] wants to judge people, why doesn't he get a job in court somewhere?' Russian President Vladimir Putin said during an interview today |
Russian President Vladamir Putin blew off U.S. president Barack Obama's claims this morning that he not telling the truth about his government's relationship with pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine. 'Who is he to judge? Who is he to judge, seriously? If he wants to judge people, why doesn't he get a job in court somewhere?' Putin made the comments during an on-stage interview at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum as CNBC host Geoff Cutmore was telling him Obama had 'accused you, as you know, of untruths when it comes to supporting some of the separatists groups...' At that point, Putin interrupted Cutmore to make fun of president Obama, which drew laughter from the audience. In a more somber tone, Putin told added, 'I don't think he accused me.It's his point of view. And I have my point of view, when it comes to certain things,' he said. Cutmore then tried to ask him if his country would allow Ukraine's scheduled election to take proceed peacefully this Sunday, to which Putin said, 'Oh come, on, really? He's a difficult man to deal with. Where did you get this guy?' Russia and the U.S. have been engaged in a stand off over the former country's invasion Crimean Peninsula, which was under the control of Ukraine until February. Russia made an agreement with the U.S. and EU in mid-April that it would use its influence on the pro-Russian forces in Ukraine to get them to vacate power, but the promise never came to fruition. 'So far at least we have seen them not abide by the spirit or the letter of the agreement in Geneva,' President Obama said days later. 'Instead we continue to see malicious, armed men taking over buildings, harassing folks who are disagreeing with them, destabilizing the region and we haven't seen Russia step out and discouraging it.' When Russia still did not fulfill its part of the agreement, the U.S. introduced sanctions on a handful of the countries businesses, singling out the ones whose executives had close ties with Russia's leader. On Friday Putin claimed that the West was the blame for the instability in Ukraine, not Russia, and 'now, they want us to clean up the mess they created.' Putin called the sanctions on his friends 'illegal' and said they ought to sue the U.S. 'They don't have any relation to the events in Ukraine or Crimea, he said. 'Maybe the Americans, who are quite shrewd, want to win a competitive edge over Europe by insisting on introducing sanctions against Russia?' The Russian leader also predicted that the U.S.' sanctions on his country would end up backfiring. 'Economic sanctions as a tool of political pressure are eventually going to attack the economy of the countries who have initiated the sanctions,' he said. Putin joked that 'you can’t force people to like you' but he hopes 'common sense, good sense and national interest, will push' the U.S. and the other European countries that have place sanctions on his country to continue working with his country. |
據英國《每日郵報》網站5月23日報道,聽聞美國總統奧巴馬暗示其撒謊,俄羅斯總統普京發飆了,當天他公開回擊稱:“他在評判誰?如果他真想評判人的話,干嘛不去法庭里謀份差事?” 主持人杰夫?卡特摩爾告訴普京:“奧巴馬說你,你知道的,在談到(烏克蘭)親俄分離主義組織時沒說實話……”緊接著,卡特摩爾開始調侃奧巴馬,引起觀眾席一陣笑聲。 但同在舞臺上的普京沒有被逗笑,他的聲音變得嚴肅起來:“我不認為他是在指責我,這只是他的看法。在談到某些事情時,我也會有自己的看法。” 隨后,卡特摩爾問普京俄羅斯是否會允許烏克蘭25日和平舉行大選。面對主持人的窮追不舍,普京似乎有意轉移話題,他對臺下觀眾說:“哦,真要這樣嗎?他(卡特摩爾)太難纏了,不知道電視臺是從哪里找到這個人的?” 今年3月,克里米亞脫離烏克蘭加入俄羅斯聯邦。由此,俄美兩國關系惡化。 4月17日,烏克蘭、俄羅斯、美國和歐盟代表在日內瓦就化解烏克蘭危機達成多項共識,俄方同意利用其影響力令親俄分子放棄暴力。但截至目前,這一允諾仍未兌現。 “迄今為止,我們沒有看到俄方執行日內瓦協議的跡象。”奧巴馬曾公開指責,“相反,我們繼續看到滿懷惡意的武裝分子占領政府大樓、騷擾民眾、制造不穩,而俄羅斯并沒有站出來制止他們。” 隨后,美當局宣布對多名俄政府官員和與普京關系密切的商界領袖實施經濟制裁。 在23日的采訪過程中,普京被問及對美方的表態及后續舉措作何感想。他回應稱,西方才是造成烏克蘭亂局的罪魁禍首,“現在,他們卻企圖讓俄羅斯來收拾他們留下的亂攤子”。 普京說,美當局對他的朋友實施經濟制裁是“不合法的”,“他們同烏克蘭或者克里米亞問題沒有任何關系。” “可能是狡猾的美國人企圖在與歐洲的競爭中贏得優勢才堅持制裁俄羅斯?” 他還預言,美方制裁終將引火燒身。 “將經濟制裁作為政治施壓的工具,最終會損害實施方的經濟利益。” “你不能強迫人們喜歡你,但能寄希望于情理常識、良好判斷力以及國家利益來推動美國和實施制裁的其他歐盟國家來繼續與俄羅斯合作。” (譯者 諶融 編輯 王輝) 掃一掃,關注微博微信
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