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Black Captain America leading comic book diversity
For decades, comic books have been in color, but now they truly reflect all the hues of American society.
The new Captain America is black. A Superman who is suspiciously similar to President Barack Obama recently headlined a comic book. Thor is a woman, Spider-Man is part-Puerto Rican and Ms. Marvel is Muslim.
最近新問世的“美國隊長”(Captain America )是黑人。超人最近登上了漫畫書的頭條,他看起來很像奧巴馬總統。雷神托爾(Thor)變成了一位女士,蜘蛛俠則有波多黎各血統,而驚奇女士(Ms. Marvel)是個穆斯林。
Mainstream comic book superheroes — America's modern mythology — have been redrawn from the stereotypical brown-haired, blue-eyed white male into a world of multicolored, multireligious and multigendered crusaders to reflect a greater diversity in their audience.
Society has changed, so superheroes have to as well, said Axel Alonso, editor in chief at Marvel Comics, who in November debuted Captain America No. 1 with Samuel Wilson, the first African American superhero taking over CaptainAmerica's red, white and blue uniform and shield.
漫威漫畫公司總編阿克塞爾·阿隆索(Axel Alonso)表示,社會在變,因此超級英雄的形象也需要隨之改變。他在11月份首推美國隊長1號(Captain America No. 1)塞繆爾·威爾遜,首位非裔美國“超級英雄”,接過美國隊長的紅白藍三色制服和盾牌。
"Roles in society aren't what they used to be. There's far more diversity," said Alonso, who has also shepherded a gay wedding in the X-Men, a gender change from male to female in Thor and the first mainstream female Muslim hero in Ms. Marvel.
The change to a black CaptainAmericais already having an impact outside of comics.
Even before the first issue was published, unauthorized images of the black Captain America were shown at a town hall meeting in St. Louis following the funeral of Michael Brown, who was 18 and unarmed when he was killed by a white police officer. This Captain America had his hands up saying "Don't Shoot," a slogan protesters have used to highlight the number of African Americans killed by police.
在第一期漫畫出版之前,民間版的“黑人美國隊長”形象就已經在圣路易斯州(St.Louis)的市政廳會議上出現。未帶武器的黑人少年邁克爾·布朗(Michael Brown)被白人警察槍殺一案引起了極大的抗議。抗議者們在其葬禮后,手舉黑人美國隊長說“拒絕開槍”的標語,意在強調被白人警察槍殺的非裔美國人數量之多。
The new diverse comic characters are far from the first: Marvel introduced the world to Samuel Wilson as the Falcon, the comic's first African-American superhero, in 1969 as a sidekick to Captain America. In 1977, DC Comics introduced Black Lightning, a schoolteacher who gains electrical powers and becomes a superhero.
新的多元漫畫人物也不是首次出現。漫威公司在1969年推出了第一個非裔美國男超級英雄“獵鷹”(the Falcon)形象,作為美國隊長的同伴。DC漫畫公司(DC Comics )于1977年推出“黑色閃電”系列漫畫,講述了一位學校老師獲得閃電超能力并成為超級英雄的故事。
And Marvel isn't the only company looking at diversity. An alternative black Superman, one who is president of theUnited States, is part of a team in DC Comics' "The Multiversity." DC also brags of having more comic books featuring female leads than any other company, including Batgirl, Catwoman, Batwoman and Wonder Woman, the longest-running comic book with a female hero.
(翻譯:eileen7 編輯:Helen)
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