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New Billionaires In China Every Week, Thanks To Entrepreneurial Spirit And Stock Market Rally
Historically, being a billionaire has been a privilege of the few.
But in China, the number of super-rich individuals is swelling fast. Indeed, during the first three months of the year, China produced new billionaires almost every week, according to a new report.
The 2015 Billionaires Report, jointly released by UBS andPricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), said that Asia for the first time had more self-made dollar-billionaires than Europe.
由瑞士聯合銀行(UBS)和普華永道會計師事務所(PwC)共同發布的2015年億萬富豪排行榜(2015 Billionaire Report)顯示,在亞洲,白手起家擁有億萬美元資產的超級富翁人數首次超過了歐洲。
In total, 917 self-made billionaires generated more than $3.6 trillion of wealth globally between 1995 and 2014. Asia accounted for 36%, second only to the U.S.
“We are very optimistic that in the next five to 10 years [the number of] Asian billionaires will surpass the U.S, because of the high-growth opportunities in this part of the world,” Francis Liu, a managing director at UBS Wealth Management, told CNN.
“我們樂觀地看到,由于該地區快速增長的機遇,未來5至10年內,亞洲億萬富翁的數量將超過美國,”瑞士聯合銀行資產管理的管理總監弗蘭西斯?劉(Francis Liu)說道。
While members of the billionaire population typically exhibit similar character traits – namely, an appetite for clever risk-taking, an obsessive focus on business and a strong work ethic – they have built their wealth in different ways.
In Asia, almost 20% of all self-made billionaires created their wealth from the consumer sector, followed by real estate that made up 13%.
At a media briefing, Zhang Lijun, managing partner of PwC China Financial Service Consulting, said China’s wealth expansion is mainly due to the fever in setting up businesses and the booming capital market, Global Times said.
In the U.S., however, the financial services sector was the top manufacturer of self-made billionaires, accounting for 30%.
Self-made billionaire population in Asia is unique, the report said, because wealth creation in the region is more recent than in other parts of the world. Asian billionaires are generally younger than billionaires elsewhere, having an average age of 57, which is 10 years junior to U.S. and European billionaires.
Besides, a significant proportion of Asian billionaire grew up in poverty, 25%, compared to only 8% in the U.S. and 6% in Europe.
China’s frenzy stock market has also boosted wealth during the last quarter. The Shanghai Composite Index has doubled in value since November, and hit a seven-year high. Stocks in Shenzhen has doubled this year.
在2015年第一季度,中國瘋狂的股票市場催生了大量的財富。上證綜合指數(The Shanghai Composite Index)自2014年11月起總資產翻了一番,創下7年來的最高點。同樣,深圳股市也在2015年翻了一番。
According to the 2015 Forbes Billionaires List, the number of billionaires around the world expanded to record 1,826. Mainland China had a record 213 members on the list, partly lifted by the stock market rally. It’s an increase from 152 people last year and second only to the United States.
Several economists have warned about a stock market bubble. The 2015 Billionaires Report also highlights the risk of China’s slowing economic development and a potential negative impact on wealth creation. At the press briefing, Chen Qing, president of UBS, urged Chinese investors to construct long-term strategies and diversify investments to other markets.
一些經濟學家提醒人們注意股市泡沫。2015年億萬富翁報告指出中國經濟發展放緩的危機,以及對財富創造的潛在負面影響。在新聞發布會上,瑞士聯合銀行行長陳勤(Chen Qing)督促投資者設計長期策略以及分散資金到其它市場。
entrepreneurial spirit 創業精神
work ethic 職業道德
(譯者:FNU林婷 編輯:彭娜)
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