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As the world's second biggest economy, China will sign numerous commercial deals spanning a range of sectors such as creative industries, retail, energy, health and technology, financial services, aerospace and education.[Photo/IC] |
President Xi Jinping's state visit to the United Kingdom will see more than £30 billion ($46.41 billion) worth of trade and investment deals completed, creating in excess of 3,900 jobs across the country, according to the British embassy in Beijing.
The visit will also open export opportunities for UK companies looking to expand into China and attract Chinese investment into the regions. The Northern Powerhouse will get a boost as China is expected to announce further investment into the region when British Prime Minister David Cameron and the president visit Manchester at the end of the week.
The Northern Powerhouse,國內媒體多譯為“北方經濟引擎”或者“北方動力”計劃,是由英國現任財政大臣喬治·奧斯本在2014年率先提出的。
“北方動力”計劃指一系列促進英格蘭北部經濟發展的計劃(a proposal to boost economic growth in the North of England),比如,增強交通互聯(improvement to transport links)、增加科技創新投資(investment in science and innovation)以及下放城市協議中的權力(devolution of powers in City Deals)等。計劃中的核心城市包括:利物浦、曼徹斯特、利茲和謝菲爾德,旨在以大城市群(urban agglomeration)為基礎,將英國的經濟重心從倫敦和東南部進行轉移(rebalance the UK economy away from London and the South East)。
看了上面的介紹,是不是覺得這個“北方動力”計劃跟我國的京津冀協同發展(integrated development of Beijing, Tianjin municipalities and Hebei province)有點類似?
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)
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