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中國日報網 2016-03-16 17:10





CCTV: A question about contributions by the general public and businesses to the five major social insurance programs and housing provident fund. There is a rising call by the general public for cutting personal contributions to these social security packages and housing provident fund. A very typical case is that if you take a look at the wage list of individual, he may earn 8,000 yuan but he can only get actually less than 5,000 yuan, and the rest over 3,000 will be contributions to the social insurance package and the housing fund. Businesses also feel that they are under heavy burden to pay such contributions. Both hope that contributions can be brought down. But we also know that on the other hand, the funding financial resources and social security schemes may have been over-stretched. So I want to ask you, MrPremier, how would you respond to the public concern and how will the government resolve this issue? Has this issue being put on the government work agenda?


During the two sessions, some NPC deputies and CPPCC members have also suggested that appropriate adjustments be made to the proportion of contributions to these insurance schemes and fund by public and business community. The central government, the CPC Central Committee and State Council have paid very high attention to this issue. Last year, the State Council already adjusted downward the contributions by individuals and businesses to the insurance scheme covering places, safety, unemployment and maternity.

On the whole there's still room for us to cut the contributions to these insurance schemes and fund and conditions of different localities vary from each other. As I said before, we still have ample social security funds and local governments can be given great autonomy to make their own decisions of adjusting downward such contributions in keeping with their local conditions. All in all the purpose of our effort is to lessen corporate burden and put more money in the pockets of our people. Thank you!


Farmer's Daily: Last September when we were about to harvest corn, the central government introduced adjusted price for the purchase and storage of corn and the price was cut by 20 percent. That brought huge losses to corn growers. We know that this is also part of the supply side structural reform to adjust agricultural structure. But we want to have your take on this issue. What further steps will the central government take with respect to the price of grains in China?


The average price in China is about 600 yuan ($92) per ton higher than international price. That is mainly because our labor productivity is still quite low. So in the future, we are going to pursue coordinated development between new type urbanization and agricultural modernization to help more migrant people move into urban areas.

For those who are already working and living in urban areas, they will be granted urban residency if they meet certain eligibilities and requirements. And that is also one of the ways to boost their income. And we also develop appropriately scaled farming in agriculture to boost labor productivity and enhance the competitiveness of our agricultural products. In a word, the central government will continue to support the development of agriculture and enhance the well being of Chinese farmers.


All in all, we will continue to give very high priority to all issues related to agriculture, farmers and rural areas. And we will also pay very high attention to protecting the lawful interests of workers in the industrial sector. There are so many issues that need to be covered, but our time is limited. So regrettably we may have to leave something out, but hopefully we will meet up again next year.

(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英 yaning)

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