中國日報網 2019-06-01 10:05
夜間經濟 nighttime economy
Nighttime consumption in Beijing during the four-day May Day holiday has been on the rise, as the capital continues to drive economic growth with what it calls "nighttime economy."
所謂“夜間經濟(nighttime economy)”一般指從當日下午6點到次日凌晨6點所發生的服務業方面的商務活動(business activities between 6 pm and 6 am in the service sector),其業態囊括晚間購物、餐飲、旅游、娛樂、學習、影視、休閑等。
2019年北京兩會期間,北京市政府在部署2019年主要任務時提出,將在今年出臺繁榮夜間經濟促消費政策(policies encouraging nighttime consumption),鼓勵重點街區及商場、超市、便利店適當延長營業時間。
Restaurant consumption in mall-clustered Wangfujing, Sanlitun and Qingnianlu surged 51.3 percent during the nighttime hours compared with the same period last year.
買短乘長 boarding with short-distance tickets but traveling to farther destinations
Many passengers complained on China's social media platforms that they had bought tickets in advance, but were denied boarding by railway staff because of overloading-the result of some passengers buying short distance tickets but refusing to get off at their corresponding destinations.
“買短乘長(boarding with short-distance tickets but traveling to farther destinations)”本來是鐵路部門為滿足部分乘客臨時變更到站的需要而提供的應急便利措施,這一類乘客可以在途中找列車員辦理補票手續(pay to extend their tickets)。
The railway will decide whether to allow passengers to purchase extension tickets after boarding based on the current passenger numbers and the number of pre-sold tickets for the next station.
Passengers who insist on staying aboard but fail to pay for the extended trip will be charged an extra 50 percent of the extension ticket price upon arrival.
報廢機動車 scrap vehicles
The circular, targeting vehicles that should be scrapped according to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety, is aimed at protecting the environment, boosting development of the recycling economy, and ensuring safe transportation.
這里的“報廢機動車(scrap vehicles)”不僅包括汽車,還包括上路行駛的掛車(trailers)、摩托車(motorcycles)和輪式專用機械車(wheeled machinery for special purposes)。
Scrap這個詞基本的意思就是“廢棄、取消、殘余”,可以用作動詞、名詞及形容詞,用法很靈活,比如,a scrap of paper指“一個小紙片”,而scrap paper則是“廢紙”。在表示“報廢機動車”的時候,scrap vehicles 或者scrapped vehicles都可以,只不過scrap vehicles這個說法用得更多一些。
辦法規定,拆解的報廢機動車發動機(engines)、方向機(steering wheels)、變速器(transmissions)、前后橋(front and rear axles)、車架(frames)等“五大總成”具備再制造條件的(suitable for remanufacturing),可以按照國家有關規定出售給具備再制造能力的企業予以循環利用;同時建立有效的安全管理制度,要求回收企業如實記錄報廢機動車“五大總成”等主要部件的數量、型號、流向等信息(record number, model and whereabouts about the five main parts)并上傳至回收信息系統,做到來源可查、去向可追(to make sure everything is traceable)。
拆解的報廢機動車“五大總成”以外的零部件符合保障人身和財產安全等強制性國家標準,能夠繼續使用的,可以出售,但應當標明“報廢機動車回用件(recycled parts from scrap vehicles)”。
Recycled scrap vehicles should be dismantled as stipulated. Large coaches, vans, and school buses should be disassembled under the supervision of public security agencies.
移動支付 mobile payment
China's mobile payment index was 197.84 in 2018 and the scale of China's digital economy reached 31.3 trillion yuan in the same year, accounting for 34.8 percent of the county's GDP. Shanghai, Hangzhou and Beijing are the top three cities for robust development of mobile payment in China, according to the report.
Account for在這里表示“(在數量、比例上)占”,后面一般會跟表示占比的數字或者描述性表達,比如:They account for less than five percent of the population.(他們在總人口中的比例不到5%。)另外,account for還可以表示“對...負責;對...作出說明(解釋)”,比如:The president must account for his government's reforms.(總統必須為他的政府改革負責。)I couldn't account for the loss.(這次失利,我沒法解釋。)
在一些新聞報道中,我們經常會看到“At least 300 civilians are unaccounted for”這樣的表達,在這里,unaccounted for就是“下落不明”的意思。
中國移動支付發展指數(China's mobile payment index)由國家信息中心、中國經濟信息社及螞蟻金融服務集團聯合編制,從信息化基礎(digital infrastructure)、商業消費(business consumption)和政務民生支付(payments related to government affairs and people's livelihoods)三個維度測度移動支付與城市競爭力的互促關系,為引領城市發展轉型,提升城市治理能力提供了參考路徑。
According to the report, the top 10 cities in terms of the 2018 mobile payment index are Shanghai, Hangzhou, Beijing, Wuhan, Chongqing, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Wenzhou and Nanjing.
報告指出,我國移動支付發展水平呈現東高西低的階梯狀分布,一線城市領跑態勢明顯,移動支付十強城市集中分布在京津冀、長三角、珠三角三大經濟區域內(Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta economic hubs)。
報告認為,隨著應用場景不斷豐富,移動支付已成為推動經濟社會發展的重要力量(an important driving force for social economic development)。移動支付不僅改造了傳統消費形態,而且催生了新的商業模式和產業鏈條(generate new business models and industry chains)。同時,移動支付為信用社會建設提供了廣闊的天然土壤,為彌合區域發展差距提供了有效的抓手。