每日新聞播報(February 14)
chinadaily.com.cn 2022-02-14 16:09
>Taihu Lake gets green mechanism
China will establish an ecological compensation mechanism in the Taihu Lake basin to speed up water environment improvement and foster the integrated ecological governance of the area. By 2023, the ecological compensation mechanism of the Taihu River will be established. Coordinated, systematic and holistic governance of the Taihu Lake basin will markedly improve, according to a guideline released by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Ministry of Water Resources. The water quality of the Taihu Lake basin will be improved continuously and the ecological foundation for high-quality regional development will be further consolidated.
By 2030, the ecological compensation mechanism of the Taihu Lake basin will be basically completed, setting a model for the comprehensive and coordinated treatment of water environments. Taihu Lake is China's third-largest freshwater lake.
> CIA experiments on children revealed
A Danish radio documentary series, The Search for Myself, did not hold back in leveling claims against the US’ Central Intelligence Agency that it had financially aided experiments on 311 Danish children in the early 1960s. A good number of them were orphans or adopted.
One such victim was the documentarian Per Wennick, who claims he was subjected to tests with no knowledge of their background in the basement of the Municipal Hospital in Copenhagen.
These tests were supposedly designed to investigate links between heredity and environmental factors in engendering schizophrenia.
Of particular interest in the experiment in question were the children of schizophrenic mothers.
Of the 311 children in question, 207 had such mothers, while the rest, who constituted the control group, did not.
Wennick was of the latter group.
As with previous experiments of this type, Wennick received shallow enticements without detailed information.
He was promised something exciting at the Municipal Hospital and a 16 kroner reward.
He sat in a chair, had headphones placed upon him, and was subjected to statements, screams and noises designed to frighten.
Electrodes were placed upon his body to measure his heart rate, body temperature and sweat level.
According to Wennick and the National Archives, the research project was co-financed by the US health service.
Furthermore, it received funding from the Human Ecology Fund, operated on behalf of the CIA.
>US people fight price rises by ‘buying nothing’
Prices in the US soared 7 percent last year, the biggest annual increase in nearly four decades.
Housing costs were up 4.2 percent, grocery bills jumped 6.3 percent and clothing prices were 5.8 percent higher.
Living and dining furniture saw one of the biggest spikes, rising more than 17 percent.
But salaries have not kept up with the increases, pushing people to forego purchases, substitute cheaper alternatives or hunt for something free.
The situation has driven a surge in activity on neighborhood exchanges such as the Buy Nothing Project, building on growth since the start of the pandemic. Membership in the group has more than doubled over the past two years to more than 5.3 million globally.
In Buy Nothing groups, people offer everything from never-used pillows and plates to hand-me-down children's toys and clothes — and sometimes more off-beat items such as breast milk.
>Overdoses imposing high cost on US
Fatal opioid overdoses are thought to be costing the US economy $1 trillion each year. In a report published Tuesday by the bipartisan US Commission on Combating Synthetic Opioid Trafficking, it was revealed synthetic opioids - primarily fentanyl - were responsible for almost two out of three reported drug overdose deaths in the US in the 12-month period ending in June 2021.
More than 100,000 people died of drug overdoses during that period, an increase of 30 percent from a year earlier.
And overdoses have been responsible for more than 1 million deaths in the US since 1999, according to the report - that’s more than double the number caused by firearms or car accidents.
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