


《中國翻譯》 2018-03-01 15:22









自從建設小康社會的概念提出以來,“小康社會”的譯法已有多種,最常見的也許是a moderately prosperous society。我們不贊成這種譯法。雖然prosperous意為successful in material terms,而且我們承認該詞語也用來描述目前所經歷的成功,但需要指出的是,人們談論prosperous時經常著眼于未來。究其詞源,該詞產生于拉丁字prosperus,其含義是doing well。來自詞源的這一本意至今仍然是該詞語的主要含義。我們說某個國家、某個社會、某個地區或某個家庭prosperous,就是說它們doing well,不一定意味著它們現在就很富裕或已達到某種富裕的水平,而是說目前情況很好,蒸蒸日上,前景可觀。有鑒于此,prosperous可用來描述任何一種發展良好的狀態,而無論現有發展程度或富裕程度為何。

在prosperous前面加上一個修飾詞moderately,就更值得商榷了,那就意味著not doing terribly well。Prosperous的近義詞是thriving、flourishing、expanding、booming等等。Moderately prosperous也就是not so prosperous或somewhat thriving。在“小康”概念提出以來,中國經濟一直蓬勃向上,一直prosperous, 按照“小康”的這一譯法,把建設一個不那么繁榮的社會作為發展的目標,即從繁榮走向“不那么繁榮”,國外受眾讀到這種表述,肯定難以理解和產生歧義。


因此,我們認為,用a moderately well-off society來表示“小康社會”是比較恰當的。Prosperous與well-off的區別主要有以下幾點:1)prosperous一般帶有很大的相對性和主觀性,而well-off可以具有絕對性和客觀性;2)prosperous反映過程(勢頭、前景),而well-off反映結果(實際狀況)。還有更重要的一點是,用moderately修飾prosperous,限定了發展的勢頭,而用moderately修飾well-off,只限定了“康”的程度,而這正是“小康”的本意。


“依法治國”,有人將其譯成governing the country in accordance with the law,其他譯法還有:rule according to the law、law-based governance等等。應該承認,與把“小康”譯成moderately prosperous的情況不同,以上譯法與原文內涵不一定有特別大的偏離。但所有這些譯法都帶有一種connotation,即此前的做法都是govern/rule not according to the law。不過,人們始終可以對某一概念加以進一步解釋,使其含義更加明確。我們在此想問的問題是,在英語里已有對應概念(the rule of law)的情況下,我們究竟有沒有必要制造新概念?

從“依法治國”的詞語組合來看,就是在“法治”的基礎上增加兩字“依”和“國”,把兩字改為四字(這在酷愛四字結構的中文里有時是出于文字表達的需要)應該在實質內涵上沒有發生變化。當然,可以認為加上“國”字后便強調了國家層面,但要指出的是,我們談論法治問題時本來就是談國家層面的問題,而且英語里的the rule of law一般也指國家層面的情況。

再來看the rule of law,詞典(如dictionary.com)對the rule of law的解釋是,the principle that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced; the principle of government by law。維基百科的解釋是:The rule of law is the legal principle that law should govern a nation, as opposed to being governed by arbitrary decisions of individual government officials。這與中文里“法治”或“依法治國”的概念基本相同。

事實上,關于the rule of law,有許多不同的定義,大家有不同的解釋。美國律師協會(American Bar Association)也承認,法治這個術語很常用,但很難定義(The rule of law is a term that is often used but difficult to define)(見https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/migrated/publiced/features/Part1DialogueROL.authcheckdam.pdf)。雖然the rule of law是一個普遍性概念,世界各國在這方面都有自己特定的做法。我國主張的“法治”在內涵上必然也不完全等于某些其他的the rule of law的概念。于是,有人認為中文的“法治”與the rule of law有別,應該用別的術語來表達。照此說法,世界各國都推行相互有別的the rule of law,是否就意味著世界上需要有無數種特定術語來描述這個概念?必須承認,盡管中文的“法治”與關于the rule of law的某些定義有別,但共性是主要的,差別是次要的。

關于“法治建設”,有人將其譯成legal construction,這種字面機械對應翻譯是比較離譜的。“XX建設”在中文里常用,但在翻譯成英文時,多數情況下需要根據上下文語境靈活處理。前面討論過,“法治”可譯成the rule of law,“法治建設”,我們認為promoting the rule of law應是一種比較恰當的選擇,至少國外受眾能夠讀懂和理解。


“命運共同體”官方最早提供的譯文是a community of common destiny。Destiny一詞的使用似乎帶有一種宿命觀,因為destiny is the force that controls what happens in the future。實際上,“命運共同體”是指在追求本國利益時兼顧他國合理關切,在謀求本國發展中促進各國共同發展。按照這一理解,我們認為a community with a shared future是比較恰當的譯法。后來,中國駐聯合國代表團采納了這種譯法,要求聯合國口譯部門將“命運共同體”改譯為a community with a shared future。


一種常見的譯法是rejuvenation of the nation。這種譯法雖然在內涵上應該說沒有錯,但rejuvenation的最基本的含義的making ... look or feel younger, 最通常是用于化妝品護膚品廣告。這里談的是民族復興,似乎還是避免使用這樣的詞為上策。我們認為用national renewal也許合適一些。


有人將“從要素驅動轉向創新驅動”譯成transition from a low-skilled economy to one driven by innovation。我們覺得這種譯法不夠確切,因為要素驅動是指主要依靠各種生產要素的投入(如土地、資源、勞動力等等)來推動經濟增長。而僅僅用low-skilled不能涵蓋各種要素。考慮到“要素驅動”這一術語本身譯自英文factor-driven,而且在相關中文語境里使用時的含義仍然與factor-driven相當,故應該以factor-driven來表示。




【原譯】Any power, more or less, can be misused if it is not subject to constraints and oversight.

譯文里的more or less并沒有反映權力的大小,而只能作為副詞短語修飾動詞misuse,意思是to some extent,那就完全偏離原文的意思。有的人可能會想到用big or small來表示,那也不恰當,如果用any power, big or small,那可以被理解是“任何國家,無論大小”。因此,對于這里的(權力)大小,我們不宜從字面上考慮。

【改譯】Power is susceptible to abuse at all levels if it is not subject to constraints and oversight.


【原譯】By 2020 China aims to create an institution, a legal system and a set of policies to guarantee that it becomes one of the innovative countries in the world.

從字面上看,譯文似乎包含了原文的所有要素,但如果稍加注意,就會發現有多處不確切。首先,create an institution的意思是“設立一個機構”,而原文是“形成……制度環境”。譯文里談的是建立一個具體的實體,而原文含義是形成一套體系,兩者差別甚大。其次,從表面來看,becomes one of the innovative countries in the world相當于“進入創新型國家行列”,因為innovative countries似乎就是“創新型國家”。但是,兩者在程度上是很不一樣的,innovative countries普普通通,任何國家都可以有此稱號,因為任何國家無論總體創新水平多么落后,都必然在某些方面具有創新性。而“創新型國家”雖然表面上沒有以最高級顯示,但真正含義卻是:one of the world抯 most innovative countries。

【改譯】China seeks to have in place by 2020 an institutional, legal and policy framework for innovation-driven development so as to provide a solid basis to put China on track to become one of the world抯 most innovative countries.

3. 2013年6月,中國國家主席習近平與美國總統奧巴馬在安納伯格莊園會晤,提出共同努力構建中美新型大國關系。關于中美新型大國關系的內涵,習主席在會晤中用三句話作了概括:一是不沖突、不對抗,二是相互尊重,三是合作共贏。不沖突對抗,是構建中美新型大國關系的必要前提。相互尊重,是構建中美新型大國關系的基本原則。合作共贏,是中美構建新型大國關系的必由之路。

【原譯】In June 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping held meetings with United States President Barack Obama at the Annenberg Retreat in California, where he put forth the proposal of constructing a new model of major power relations between the two countries. Xi summarized the connotations of the new relationship model in three phrases during the meetings: no conflict and no confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation. “No conflict and no confrontation” is a prerequisite of the new model of major power relations between the two countries; “mutual respect” is the basic principle for this new model; and “win-win cooperation” is the only way to turn this vision into a reality.

譯文的第一個問題是“內涵”的所謂對應詞connotations有誤。這可能是一個普遍性的誤解,許多人都把“內涵”譯成connotations,許多正式文件的官方譯文里也是這樣譯的。在不少人看來這是“鐵定”的譯法。但必須指出,這是錯誤的譯法。所謂connotation是指the associated or secondary meaning of an expression,也就是“弦外之音”,而不是“內涵”。修改后的譯文里沒有以“內涵”的名詞形式直譯,而是以動詞形式(boils down to)加以表示。在不少情況下,我們也可以用the essential meaning等來表示“內涵”。例如:



“Entrepreneurial spirit” has become a catchphrase only in the past ten or more years. Its essence manifests itself in a readiness to seize a chance, an enthusiasm for innovation, and an eagerness to take risks.


【改譯】Meeting with President Barack Obama of the United States at the Annenberg Retreat in California in June 2013, President Xi Jinping of China proposed building a new model of major-country relations. This new model, in his words, boils down to three principles: (a) no conflict or confrontation, which is a prerequisite; (b) mutual respect, which provides the basis for healthy major-country relations; and (c) mutually beneficial cooperation, which provides the means to turn this vision into a reality.


【原譯】The CPC needs to make steady progress in ensuring that those wanting education can receive it, those needing jobs can find them, those requiring medical care can enjoy it, those looking for affordable housing can find it, and the old people cared for.

譯者真的想譯出其中的每一個字,結果這個譯文的十分明確的言外之意(connotation)就是those who do not want education will not receive it; those who do not need jobs cannot find them; those who do not ask for medical care will not enjoy it; and those who are not looking for affordable housing will not have it. 中文原文實際上是借助中文表達的特點,把本來可以更簡單的說法說得更加生動一些,但這種語言現象在中文里行得通,搬到英語里意思就大變樣,就嚴重偏離原文要旨。而翻譯最根本的任務是準確反映原文的真正含義,那就是:

【改譯】Efforts should continue to improve access to education, employment, medical services, elderly care, and affordable housing.


【原譯】Democratic centralism also calls for respecting the majority while protecting the minority, opposes anarchic "greater democracy" and is against putting one's will above that of the collective.

“尊重多數,保護少數”的本意是指尊重多數人的意見,保護少數人的權利,在英語里只說respecting the majority while protecting the minority是不夠全面的。另外,putting one抯 will above that of the collective 中的one抯指什么是不清楚的,the collective指什么也是不清楚的(可以指某個合作社)。因此, “把個人意志凌駕于集體之上”的含義沒有得到確切反映。

【改譯】Democratic centralism also calls for respecting the opinions of the majority while protecting minority rights. It rejects anarchic democracy on the one hand and any tendency to allow the will of any individual to override collective wisdom on the other.


【原譯】The key for transforming government functions is to strive for a proper balance between delegation and control. “To delegate” is to activate the market, not to let things run loose while “to control” means to exercise appropriate management, not to bring things to stagnation.

譯文不準確的一處是 activate the market,那就意味著市場過去是沒有投入使用的,activate是啟用。另外,稱政府要exercise appropriate management的說法也不確切。政府對經濟活動的職能是regulation(監管),而不是management。Management是企業的事,是指the organization and coordination of the activities of a business,是具體的日常活動。此外,key for transforming則存在語法問題。

【改譯】The key to transforming government functions is a right balance between delegation and the exercise of control. To delegate authorities is meant to inject more vitality into economic activities, rather than embracing an unqualified laissez-faire approach. To exercise control is to ensure that the market functions appropriately, rather than stifling the economy with regulatory overreach.




這個成語集體討論時決定譯成:Governing a large state is like cooking a small fish: it must be handled with great care.在單獨出現的情況下,似有必要加上補充說明。如果僅僅用了like cooking a small fish,則成語的實質信息并不明確。“如烹小鮮”隱含有“絲毫不敢懈怠,絲毫不敢馬虎”的意思,在中國文化里也許不需進一步解釋,而譯成英語后,like cooking a small fish沒有與“謹慎”直接掛鉤,補充解釋還是必不可少的。不過,在特定上下文里,補充解釋可以省略,如:“治大國若烹小鮮”一語出自中國古代思想家老子所著的《道德經》。意思是說治理大國,如同烹煮小魚,關鍵在掌握好火候、調和好味道,而不可以不斷翻攪。

The adage “governing a large state is like cooking a small fish” came from Daodejing by Laozi, an ancient Chinese thinker. Just as cooking a small fish requires careful heat control, right seasoning, and a minimal amount of stirring, so governing a large state is a delicate balancing act that must be performed with the highest level of care.


集體討論的譯文是Great truths are always simple。這樣翻譯也是為了盡量體現典故的原汁原味。具體用法如下:


“Great truths are always simple” is an important concept of Daoism and traditional Chinese philosophical thinking. “Great truths” are ultimate truths. This concept not only featured prominently in philosophical works across different traditions, but also was embraced by many religious thinkers. It means that fundamental principles, approaches and guiding rules are invariably straightforward and can be explained very concisely in simple words.


雖然這一成語的含義在英語里本來就有類似的說法,如A good example is the best sermon,但我們還是采用了體現中文成語原有形象的譯法:It takes a good blacksmith to make good steel. 這是考慮到保留原有形象在英語里仍然是說得通的,成語的含義也仍然能得到傳遞。在這種情況下,我們不妨保留原有形象。不過,必要時也可用英語成語加以補充說明。例如:


“It takes a good blacksmith to make good steel” is a popular Chinese adage. It means that only by conducting yourself honorably can you expect others to do the same, or in other words, only a good example can serve as the best sermon.


準確表達原文思想內涵是政治文獻翻譯的第一要義,但是,在此基礎上,還應盡量做到語言表達流暢,符合譯入語的語言規范和習慣,以使國外受眾更易于閱讀、理解和把握文獻的思想內涵。對于政治文獻的翻譯來說, 特別是對于英語非母語的譯者來說,這也許是更大的挑戰。通過《中國關鍵詞》的翻譯實踐,我們認為在政治文獻翻譯過程中,似可在以下幾個方面做出努力:




【原譯】All this was designed to liberate and develop productive forces, modernize the country and make the Chinese people prosperous.


【改譯】Aimed at dismantling the economic straitjacket and unlocking the growth potential, the reform program put China on a path to modernization and prosperity.


【原譯】 It is a general rule of market economies that the market determines the allocation of resources. To improve its socialist market economy, China must follow this general rule, establish a robust market, control excessive government intervention, address insufficient government oversight, and ensure that resources are allocated in the marketplace most effectively and efficiently.

中文原文“必須”后面用了三個并列的動賓結構。在第二個動賓結構中,另有三個貌似并列的詞組(主謂詞組),即“市場體系不完善”、“政府干預過多”和“監管不到位”。由于作者用了“著力解決……問題”的結構來涵蓋這三個問題,所以也可以將其視為另外三個并列的動賓結構,即“著力解決市場體系不完善問題”、“著力解決政府干預過多問題”和“著力解決監管不到位問題”。原譯文的譯者就是這樣看待這種結構的,在譯文用了五個并列的動賓詞組。但在英語里有些成分不宜并列,如 control excessive government intervention和address insufficient government oversight,這兩者在意思上是矛盾的。既然是矛盾的,這種矛盾關系在形式上就需要予以反映,需要有轉折(以轉折符號來顯示),而不應以并列形式存在。另外,原文里最后的動賓結構(“推動資源配置依據市場機制實現效益最大化和效率最優化”)雖然表面上看似乎與其他詞組并列,實際上可以被看成是前面動作的目的或結果。根據這一分析,我們似乎可翻譯如下:

【改譯】A general rule embraced by market economies, the preeminence of the market in allocating resources should also be a feature of our socialist market economy. To this end, efforts should include building a robust market, and rolling back excessive government intervention while also addressing insufficient government oversight in some areas, so as to promote the market抯 role in maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency in resource allocation.


【原譯】 To implement the strategy of innovation-driven development, China will promote overall innovation, particularly scientific and technological innovation, remain demand-driven and industrialization-oriented, ensure that enterprises play the principal role in innovation, let the market play the decisive role in allocating resources, and take full advantage of the socialist system. It will enhance the contribution made by scientific and technological advancements to economic growth, create new engines of growth, and sustain sound economic development.

原文在“就是”后面跟著七個并列的動賓結構,譯文把前面五個動賓詞組改為六個,后面另起一句,但保留原有的最后三個并列的動賓詞組。總體來看,譯文基本上沿用了原文里眾多并列動賓結構的組合方式。但問題是這些動賓詞組從實際意義上講并不都是并列關系,在英語里如此排列不合邏輯。比如,英語里第一個詞組(promote overall innovation)與第二個(remain demand-driven)就無法并列,主語都是China,稱China will remain demand-driven是說不通的。另外,從意義上來說,take full advantage of the socialist system也不能被視為是與其他事項平行的事項,所以在形式上也不應保持并列關系。在最后部分,雖然原文有三個并列詞組,但三者顯然也不是并列關系,后面兩項應該是對前一項的進一步說明,所以翻譯時保持原有結構是不可取的。

【改譯】 China's innovation-driven development strategy aims at encouraging innovation in all areas, particularly scientific and technological innovation. Innovation should be demand-driven in response to the needs of industrialization. Businesses are major players in delivering innovation, and the market should play the decisive role in allocating resources. The full potential of our socialist system should be explored. The strategy seeks to enhance the contribution of scientific and technological advances to economic growth, which would serve as a new growth driver and help sustain sound economic development.




【原譯】 The idea of global economic governance proposed by China aims at promoting the growth of economic globalization in the direction of balance, universal benefits and win-win results.

貼字面把“朝著均衡、普惠、共贏方向發展”譯成in the direction of balance, universal benefits and win-win results是不通的。“方向”在中文里經常是為了組合文字的需要而用的,本身不包含信息要素,因此不必硬譯。

【改譯】 The goal of improving global economic governance is, in our view, to transform economic globalization into a balanced, win-win process that bring benefits to all.


【原譯】Crossing the river by feeling the stones is an approach to reform that is full of Chinese characteristics and wisdom and suits the national conditions of China.It means trying to figure out the rules and laws in doing something. When a breakthrough is required in the country's development but people are not sure how to make it happen, the country starts out by conducting trials, respects praxis and creativity, encourages people to boldly explore and break new ground.Then, when the country has gained experience and is completely clear about how things work, it carries out the reforms across the board.

“摸規律”按字面翻譯成figure out the rules and laws不妥當,這里的“規律”與rules and laws毫無關系,“摸規律”實際上強調的就是探索。對于“尊重實踐、尊重創造”,把中文搭配方式(respects praxis and creativity)搬到英語里,屬生搬硬套。對整段話的處理,我們無法也不必追求“一個蘿卜一個坑”,不必照搬中文語序,在把握各個基本要素的基礎上,詞語的組合及句型的安排完全根據英語表達的需要而定。

【改譯】Crossing the river by feeling for stones is a distinctly Chinese approach to reform, one that embodies Chinese wisdom in addressing issues specific to contemporary China. It calls for prudence in feeling our way forward in unfamiliar territory, and testing the waters before a major course of action aiming at achieving breakthroughs is launched. It encourages innovation, exploration, and trailblazing efforts, while at the same time emphasizing the importance of identifying and promoting best practices on the basis of lessons learned.


【原譯】China is adapting itself to and actively participating in changes to the world order and has the image of a responsible big power.

中文原文在表面上似乎談兩件事情,但所涉含義相互交融,不可分割。當我們談到“負責任”(responsible)時,我們需要與以此方式從事的活動(即參與國際事務)掛鉤,不能高空懸掛著。中文里可以這樣說,這是中文的語言特點(意合型)決定的,在英語里各個語言成分之間的關系需要明確。另外,在此語境里把“形象”直譯成has the image of不妥。第三個值得商榷的問題是“大國”的譯法,原文確實用了這兩字,但在譯文里有沒有必要一定要自稱big power呢?我們認為,在外宣場合最好避免這樣說。

【改譯】China is also adapting to an evolving world landscape, and actively participates in global affairs as a responsible member of the international community




【原譯】We live in a world with different cultures, ethnic groups, skin colors, religions and social systems, and the people of all countries have become members of an intimate community with a shared destiny.


【改譯】While the world we inhabit is charac-terized by diversity in terms of culture, ethnicity, skin colors, religions and social systems, people across the world increasingly find themselves in a community with a shared future, with their interests interlocked.

2. “簡政”,即解決機構職能交叉、政出多門、人浮于事、相互掣肘的現象,解決社會公共產品和服務提供不足、行政效率低下的問題。“放權”,則是解決對經濟活動審批過多、審批程序復雜、審批周期長效率低的問題,解決政府管了一些不該管的事情、一些該管的事情卻沒管好的問題。

【原譯】Streamlining administration means solving the problems of government having overlapping functions, being overstaffed and impeding each other, and the problems of an inadequate supply of social public goods and services and low government efficiency. Delegating more power to lower-level governments means solving the problems of subjecting too many economic activities to government approval, having complicated approval procedures and taking too long to approve them, and solving the problems of the government managing things it should not manage and poorly managing things it should manage.

值得討論的有下列幾個問題:第一,對于中文里的“解決……問題”,我們不一定非要譯成solving the problems不可,此處這樣譯并非不可以,但沒有必要,如果不用solving the problems,行文可更加干凈利索。“解決……問題”在中文里經常起幫助句子組合的作用,本身不帶實質信息,省略不譯不會影響譯文的準確性。第二,impeding each other的說法是沒有邏輯性的,因為前面沒有提到可以impeding each other的兩個或多個事物。動作主體只能是government或the problems of government,無論指何者都是說不通的。

【改譯】Streamlining government aims at eliminating overstaffing and consolidating duplicate or overlapping - and often mutually interfering - government functions, so as to better address such problems as the inadequate provision of social public goods and services and the poor efficiency of the work of the government. Delegating authorities is intended to cut red tape that subjects an unnecessarily extensive array of business activities to a complex and lengthy government approval process. Such a move should free the government from unwarranted reach into areas it had better stay away from to focus on what really falls within its purview, especially duties it is supposed to perform but has not performed adequately.


【原譯】As China develops and progresses, both urban and rural areas throughout the country are enjoying more and more community-level democracy, the number of channels through which Chinese citizens participate in politics is increasing and there is ever-greater democracy.

譯文里以并列方式列舉了三點:第一點是more and more community-level democracy,第二點是the number of channels through which Chinese citizens participate in politics is increasing,第三點是there is ever-greater democracy。但這三點并列是不合邏輯的,尤其是第一點與第三點。根據邏輯,第一點應該包含在第三點之內,因為第三點談的是民主的總體狀況,而第一點是談community-level democracy。既然在邏輯上這三者是這樣的關系,在表達時就應反映這種關系,而絕對不能并排堆砌。

原文第三點是“民主的實現形式日益豐富”,重點在于“實現形式”,這與ever-greater democracy有較大的差距。如果在翻譯時力求體現原文里第三點的本意,那么這三點并列就是正常的。

【改譯】China's increasing prosperity and progress have been accompanied by greater democracy at the community level in both urban and rural areas throughout the country, increased orderly participation of its citizens in political life, and a multiplication of democratic practices.


中英文在部分與整體及語言成分的相互關系的表述上有差異,翻譯時需要做到兩點:一是透徹把握原文里各個成分之間的關系;二是按照英語習慣加以表達。一個典型的例子是,中文里說“中國與世界”是很自然的,但在英語里不能說China and the world,因為從邏輯上來看,中國也是世界的一部分,我們只能說China and the rest of the world。


【原譯】The united front is an important measure for the CPC to pool the strength of the whole of Chinese society, make relations more harmonious between political parties, ethnic groups, religions, people of different strata and Chinese people at home and abroad, and achieve new victories for socialism with Chinese characteristics.


【改譯】The United Front is an essential tool that the CPC uses to pool the strength of the whole of Chinese society to build a prosperous socialist country with Chinese characteristics. It helps forge partnerships and build harmonious relations among political parties, among ethnic and religious groups, among different regions, and among people from all walks of life, including overseas Chinese.


【原譯】China's experience of reform and opening up over the past 30 years and more has proved that peaceful development is a strategic choice that suits China's national conditions, social system and cultural traditions. It conforms to the trend of the times and serves the fundamental interests of China. It also meets the interests of China抯 neighboring countries and those of all countries in the world.

中國是世界的一部分,中國的鄰國也是世界的一部分,因此It also meets the interests of China's neighboring countries and those of all countries in the world的說法是有問題的。

【改譯】As China's experience of reform and opening up over the past 30 years and more shows, the pursuance of peaceful development has been a crucial strategic move that is based on the considerations of China's national conditions, social system and cultural traditions. It represents a timely response to today's imperatives and serves the fundamental interests of China, and those of its neighbors and the rest of the world.


【原譯】As China comprehensively deepens reform, it needs to keep economic structural reform as the principal axis, strive to make new breakthroughs in the reforms of important areas, and use them to drive other reforms, so that all reforms move forward together and form a synergy, rather than being uncoordinated so that their effects are dissipated.

原文提到“努力在重要領域和關鍵環節改革上取得新突破”時是緊接著前一詞組而來的,其中“重要領域和關鍵環節”仍然與經濟體制改革相關。譯文在這一點上不清楚,in the reforms of important areas似乎是說在(所有)重要領域,結果造成了關系混亂,讀者難以猜測用什么reforms去推動other reforms。

【改譯】Economic structural reform remains the central pillar of our comprehensive in-depth reform efforts. Major new progress must be made in key areas of this reform, so as to pave the way for, and provide impetus to, other sectorial reforms. Such an approach could ensure synergy and coordination between various reform initiatives, and avoid silo mentality and fragmentation.



1. 2014年4月,習近平主席在布魯日歐洲學院發表演講時提議:要建設和平穩定之橋,把中歐兩大力量連接起來。建設增長繁榮之橋,把中歐兩大市場連接起來。建設改革進步之橋,把中歐兩大改革進程連接起來。建設文明共榮之橋,把中歐兩大文明連接起來。

【原譯】When addressing the College of Europe in Bruges in April 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed building a bridge of peace and stability linking the two strong forces of China and the EU, a bridge of growth and prosperity linking the two big markets of China and the EU, a bridge of reform and progress linking the reform processes in China and the EU and a bridge of common cultural prosperity linking the two major civilizations of China and Europe.


【改譯】Addressing the College of Europe in Bruges in April 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed building a bridge of peace and stability linking the two influential players, a bridge of growth and prosperity linking the two big markets, a bridge of reform and progress linking the reform processes in China and the EU, and a bridge of cultural prosperity linking the two major civilizations.

2. 2015年10月26日至29日在北京召開的十八屆五中全會,首次提出了“創新、協調、綠色、開放、共享”的五大發展理念

【原譯】At the Fifth Plenary Session of its 18th Central Committee in 2015, the Communist Party of China (CPC) called for “innovation-driven development, coordinated development, green development, development for global progress, and development for the benefit of all.”


【改譯】At its Fifth Plenary Session held from October 26 to 29, 2015, the 18th CPC Central Committee called for “development that is innovation-driven, coordinated, green, oriented toward global progress, and beneficial to all.”


數字化表達方式在政治文獻中十分常用,但這種表達方式為中文特有,在英語里從古至今通常都沒有類似的說法(英語里若干相關詞語都以同一字母開頭的情況與此不同,如The 4 Rs - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover)。如果把這種結構照搬到英語里,必然怪誕不經。


一種常見譯法是Four Comprehensives,即把中文里特有的數字與形容詞的組合硬性移植到英語里,實際上這是創造了一種另類表達方式。一種比較合理的譯法是the Four-Pronged Strategy。請看以下這段話的翻譯:


【原譯】The strategy of “Four Comprehen-sives”was first put forth by Xi Jinping during an inspection tour of Jiangsu Province in December 2014. The strategy consists of: comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, comprehensively driving reform to a deeper level, comprehensively governing the country in accordance with the law, and comprehensively enforcing strict Party discipline.

除了Four Comprehensives的表達方式離奇外,comprehensively連用四次,也屬于不必要的重復。在中文里重復可以加重語氣,形成排比,在英語如此重復,效果恰恰相反,使行文變得無比累贅。再者,comprehensively與其他詞語的搭配,如building a moderately prosperous society、driving reform to a deeper level等等,也十分勉強。

【改譯】The Four-Pronged Strategy was first put forth by Xi Jinping during an inspection tour of Jiangsu Province in December 2014. The strategy calls for completing the process of building a moderately well-off society, pursuing an expanded in-depth reform agenda, implementing a comprehensive framework for promoting the rule of law, and launching an all-out effort to enforce strict Party discipline.


同樣,常見譯法three stricts and three honests也是打破了一切語法規則的生搬硬套,不僅離奇,而且不達意,沒有反映“三嚴三實”的實際內涵。那么,翻譯時如何處理為上策呢?一個辦法是徹底放棄數字結構,改用從本意著手的方式切入,力求反映口號的實質內容。考慮到“三嚴三實”的重點是要求品行剛正,不妨稱之為the integrity initiative或the campaign to promote integrity等等。如此翻譯雖然脫離了中文特有的語言形式,但能有效體現內容要點。如果刻意保留數字結構,那也應以符合英語習慣方式加以表達。既然在英語里不能將數字與形容詞直接組合,我們就得探討其他途徑。考慮到數字與諸如guidelines、rules等結合并用十分自然,我們似乎可將“三嚴三實”譯成the three guidelines for ethical behavior and the three basic rules of conduct。請看以下使用情況:


【原譯】“Three Stricts and Three Earnests” are requirements Xi Jinping proposed for officials at all levels to improve their conduct. The requirements are to be strict in self-development, the exercise of power, and self-discipline, and to be earnest in making plans, opening up new undertakings, and upholding personal integrity.

除了上文提及的 Three Stricts and Three Earnests 的說法離奇外,be strict in...the exercise of power的含義恐怕與“嚴以用權”的本意有較大的偏差。“嚴以用權”應該是指用權時不謀私利,遵紀守法,strict是針對自己,而be strict in...the exercise of power似乎主要不是針對自己的。另外,earnest in making plans等等的說法也比較奇怪。

【改譯】The initiative to implement the three guidelines for ethical behavior and the three basic rules of conduct (the 3+3 Initiative) was proposed by Xi Jinping. It calls upon officials at all levels to be strict with themselves in self-cultivation, in the exercise of power, and in self-discipline, and act in good faith when performing official duties, taking initiatives, and interacting with others.





(來源: 《中國翻譯》,編輯:Helen)



















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