A tourist poses below the hill of the Acropolis with the ancient temple of Athena Nike in the background in Athens September 7, 2010.(Agencies) |
The home of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle is the "most flirtatious city" of the modern world, a new study showed on Monday. Athens topped a "World Flirtation League," which ranked cities by the number of online flirtations initiated per month by the average user in each on online social networking site Badoo.com (www.badoo.com). Moscow came second, while Rome placed 8th and Madrid 31st, Paris 38th, London 57th, Berlin 79th, and New York 89th in the study of nearly 200 cities across the world in which Badoo analyzed 12 million flirtatious contacts made during a month, with 108 million users chatting and flirting in 180 countries. The Lonely Planet Encounter Guide to Athens author Victoria Kyriakopoulous said the results are hardly surprising as the Greek capital is a seductive city, with a hedonistic lifestyle. "Athenians love to party and they love to talk," she said. "Flirting and sexual banter are not just a means to an end but part of social interaction." She said the internet is just a new means to the age-old dance of attraction and love. "Old people flirt, married people flirt, now young people are simply using technology to do what Athenians have always done." The average Badoo user in Athens initiated 25.7 online flirtations per month -- over twice as many as in Rio (12.4) Warsaw (12.1) or Prague (12.6) and far more than in Paris (20.7), London (19.0), Berlin (17.7) or New York (16.1). Tunis, birthplace of the "Jasmine Revolution," is among three Arab cities (with Kuwait and Beirut) to make the world top 10, along with three former Soviet ones (Moscow, Kiev and Baku in Azerbaijan) and three Italian (Turin, Rome and Bari). Plato said "Love is a serious mental disease." The great man never shared his views on online flirting but he knew something at least about offline flirting, said Simon Hardy, British academic and author of "The Greeks, Eroticism and Ourselves." He said ancient Athenians may have honed the art of flirtation at drinking parties known as symposia, drinking parties where men flirted with dancing girls among other entertainment. "It is probably fair to say that the Athenians perfected the art of flirtation in ancient times, especially at the time of symposia described by Plato." (Read by Nelly Min. Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
周一發布的一項新調查顯示,蘇格拉底、柏拉圖和亞里士多德的故鄉雅典當選為現代世界中的“最輕浮城市”。 雅典名列“世界輕浮城市”之首,這些“輕浮城市”是在線社交網站Badoo.com根據每個城市的用戶平均每月發起的在線調情次數來排名的。 Badoo.com網站對全世界180個國家的1.08億網絡用戶1個月內的網上聊天記錄進行了研究,分析了其中1200萬條調情對話,并籍此對全球200座城市進行排名。在榜單中,莫斯科排第二,羅馬第八,馬德里排第31位,巴黎38位,倫敦第57位,柏林第79位,紐約第89位。 《孤獨星球旅行指南:雅典篇》一書的作者維多利亞?凱莉科坡露斯說,這個結果并不令人感到意外,因為作為希臘首都,雅典一直都是一座很誘人的城市,這兒的人們奉行快樂主義的生活方式。 她說:“雅典人喜歡聚會,也愛好交談。調情和黃色玩笑并不是達到目的的一種手段,而是社會交際的一部分?!?/p> 她說以前人們通過跳舞來展現魅力,表達愛意,而網絡只不過是一種新的“調情”媒介。 “老人會調情,已婚之人會調情,現在的年輕人只不過使用新科技做了雅典人常做的事情而已。” 在雅典,平均每個Badoo用戶每月發起25.7次網上調情——是里約(12.4次)、華沙(12.1次)和布拉格(12.6次)的兩倍多;遠超過巴黎(20.7次)、倫敦(19.0次)和紐約(16.1次)的調情次數。 “茉莉花革命”的發生地突尼斯是三個進入榜單前十的阿拉伯城市之一,另外兩個是科威特和貝魯特。前十名中還有三個前蘇聯城市:莫斯科、基輔和阿塞拜疆的巴庫,以及三個意大利城市:都靈、羅馬和巴里。 柏拉圖說,“愛情是嚴重的精神疾病。”英國學者西蒙?哈代說,這位偉大的哲學家從來沒有談過他對網上調情的看法,但是他至少對網下調情有所了解。西蒙?哈代是《希臘人、情欲和我們自己》的作者。 他說古雅典人的調情技巧可能是在一種名為“會飲”的酒會上磨練出來的。在“會飲”中,男士跟跳舞的女士調情,作為一種娛樂消遣的方式。 “我們可以這樣認為,雅典人在古代、特別是在柏拉圖所描繪的‘會飲’時代完善了自身的調情技巧。” 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 崔旭燕 編輯:陳丹妮) |
Vocabulary: hedonistic: engaged in the pursuit of pleasure; sensually self-indulgent(快樂主義的) banter: friendly remarks and jokes(善意的)玩笑,打趣 eroticism: sexual desire or excitement(情欲過盛;性欲) hone: to develop and improve something, especially a skill, over a period of time 磨練,訓練(尤指技藝) symposia: a drinking party or convivial discussion, esp. as held in ancient Greece after a banquet (and notable as the title of a work by Plato)(會飲) perfect: to make something perfect or as good as you can(使完善;使完美;使完備) |