Hedge fun manager: The year finishes with Hugh Barker, from London, who has travelled Britain photographing hedges. He has written the book Hedge Britannnia, which includes information about hedge-laying and what hedges say about their owners. The Dull Men's Club was originally started in New York in the 1980s and later spread to the UK and elsewhere in the world. Its main focal point nowadays is its website where members communicate, in a subdued, understated way, their quiet exploits. The calendar will be available to buy on Amazon on October 21 and can be pre-ordered now. For more information email calendars@dullmensclub.com.
樹籬娛樂經理:這款日歷以休·巴克爾(Hugh Barker)的亮相結束。休來自倫敦(London),他游歷整個英國只為攝影樹籬。他已經撰寫了一本名為《樹籬·不列顛》(Hedge Britannnia)的書,書中涵蓋了鋪設樹籬的信息以及樹籬對主人的獨白。 “悶蛋俱樂部”起源于20世紀80年代的紐約,之后擴展到英國以及世界各處?,F在它主要聚焦在其網站上,其成員可以低調收斂地通過該網站交流各自不為人知的壯舉。10月21日在亞馬遜(Amazon)網站上就可以購買到這款日歷,現在就可以提前預定了。需要更多信息請郵件calendars@dullmensclub.com.。 (譯者 bessie11 編輯 祝興媛) 掃一掃,關注微博微信