?張明權 |
Beijing will see in five years the worst traffic congestion, a speed less than 15 km/h
With more and more vehicles hitting the road each year, Beijing will have counted about 7,000,000 motor units by 2015. The prediction was promulgated yesterday afternoon by Beijing Transportation Development Research Center who had invited experts of all fields to brainstorm on the "twelfth five-year plan" for transportation centering on the fast motorized traffic and urban development. Driving in Beijing is the most "tiresome" in the world, for a short-distance travel less than 5 km accounts for 40% of the use for automobiles here.
翻譯往往可以根據與原文的相似度分成幾個層次:直譯、意譯、編譯,然而成熟的翻譯中所采取的這些手段都必須符合文本、跨文化交際、委托人等各方面的要求,然而在初學者那里直譯往往成了最后的救命稻草(或者更像英語中說的it is the last straw that breaks the camel's back)。
言歸正傳,譯題一中的標題翻譯就不需要嚴格照搬原文,不過很多網友犯了這方面的錯誤,比如直接翻譯成the traffic congestion will exceed limit等。這標題中的“交通擁堵”一詞不難翻譯,就是traffic congestion或traffic jam,問題出在整句的翻譯上。
在正文中,我們遇到有個別專業性較強的詞匯,比如“快速機動化”和“短途出行”。在“快速機動化”的翻譯中,大部分網友使用了motorization這個詞,然而這個詞的概念有點泛,用英文解釋是the act of motorizing (equipping with motors or with motor vehicles),回譯成中文是“動力化”,而這里的“快速機動化”是專門指交通方面,隨著機動車的增加,如何解決機動車的快速行駛的問題,對應的英語表達為fast motorized traffic。對“短途出行”的理解也有不同,有的網友用outing翻譯是不妥的,因為這個詞更多的是用于“遠足、郊游”的含義,這里的“出行”就是指“市內交通”,包括commuting和local travel,為了不使問題復雜化,我們可以把它翻譯成short-distance travel。
除了專業詞匯以外,還有一些詞語需要注意,比如“出謀劃策”,照著字典翻譯并不難,很多網友翻譯成了give advice and suggestion(s)等樣子,但給人的感覺是失去漢語成語“出謀劃策”所隱含的“熱情地獻計獻策”的味道,筆者嘗試翻譯成了brainstorm on。最后一個“累”字翻譯起來也真夠累的,筆者在tired和tiresome之間徘徊了很久,最終落筆在tiresome上。
Young people in China are warned against a showy life
"Money-burning boy", "Accord girl", and "money-displaying girl"—they who have started a craze on the internet for "exhibiting wealth" are now flaunted by a "certificate girl" who advocates "worshipping knowledge instead of money". Despite the difference in contents, the youth in China seem to have fallen prey to the social epidemic of online showoff. Then why do youngsters take to online showoff so much? Of the people interviewed in the survey, 74.3% attribute the cause for a showoff to "vanity", 66.2% deems that most young adults tend to "hype themselves" in that manner, 47.2% associate this behavior to "young people's exhibition of their personality", and 20.9% ascribe it to the "self-affirmation mentality" of the youth.
第二段文字是歸結原因的敘述,也涉及句型的變換使用,比如attribute…to, associate…to, ascribe…to等。除了這個問題外,一些詞語的翻譯也要注意。首先是“作怪”可以省略不譯,因為這個詞的意思在整個句子中已經內含了?!俺醋鳌币辉~可以翻譯成英語的hype,聯系上下文,也是一種炫耀,下文的“張揚個性”則是從肯定的角度來看這個問題。最后談一下“自我肯定”的翻譯,我開始翻譯成了self-assertion,后來發現有點偏狹了,所以最終還是改成了self-affirmation。
No prying into the chat log of your children, says Chongqing City Regulations on the Protection of Minors Chongqing City Regulations on the Protection of Minors came into effect on September 1. It is worthy of note that the regulations pay special attention to the protection of minors' privacy and make it illegal for parents to check their children's chat logs and short messages. Article 39 of the Regulations stipulates that no organization or individual may open or check letter, diary, e-mail, online chat log, mobile short message of any minor, or disclose or violate his or her personal information or privacy.
這一段文字涉及法律英語的使用,首先要譯好法律的名稱,這個并不難,可以模仿《未成年人保護法》的英語翻譯來做,翻譯成Chongqing City Regulations on the Protection of Minors。然后就是標題中的語氣問題,要不要像法條一樣死板呢,我覺得可以稍微靈活一點,畢竟標題是為了吸引讀者的。
“值得一提的是”這句話譯成英語需要稍微加重語氣。說實在的,對青少年的保護理應保護其隱私,所以這里的英語表述不要被原文困住,我們看一個網友的翻譯:It is worth mentioning that the regulation also protects the juvenile's privacies,這樣拘泥于原文很容易造成英語讀者的誤解,沒有能夠凸現保護隱私的重要性。
下文談談一些詞語的翻譯?!傲奶煊涗洝币菜銓I術語了,大多數網友都譯成了chat log,這個沒什么問題。最后是“披露個人隱私”,考慮到搭配問題,disclose the juvenile's personal privacy的翻譯不是很合適,可以分開處理,具體看我的參考譯文。
英譯漢 真的譯成漢語了嗎?
張明權,安徽省固鎮縣人,江蘇大學外國語學院副教授,英語語言文學碩士,上外博士課程班進修。主要從事英語語言學和翻譯學研究,在國內外學術期刊發表論文10余篇,出版譯著兩部,發表其他文章20余篇,有大量翻譯實踐經驗,翻譯總字數接近200萬。Email: mqzhang@ujs.edu.cn。
(作者:張明權 中國日報網英語點津 編輯:Julie)