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Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech during the opening ceremony of the Johannesburg Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Johannesburg, South Africa, Dec. 4, 2015. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang) |
Addressing the opening ceremony of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) summit in Johannesburg of South Africa, Xi put forward a massive plan to carry out 10 major cooperation projects in the coming three years in Africa with support from China and urged the two sides to strengthen five "pillars" to lift their time-honored win-win partnership to a higher level.
習近平主席在中非合作論壇致辭時提出,中方決心同非方著力實施工業化(industrialization)、農業現代化(modern agriculture)、基礎設施建設(infrastructure construction)、金融、綠色發展(green development)、貿易和投資便利化(investment and trade facilitation)、減貧惠民(poverty reduction and people's welfare)、公共衛生(public health)、人文(people-to-people exchanges)、和平和安全(peace and security)“十大合作計劃”(10 major cooperation projects)。
習近平宣布,為確保“十大合作計劃”順利實施,中方決定提供總額600億美元的資金支持,包括提供50億美元的無償援助和無息貸款(free aid and interest-free loans),提供350億美元的優惠性質貸款(preferential loans)及出口信貸額度(export credit on more favorable terms),設立首批資金100億美元的“中非產能合作基金”(a China-Africa production capacity cooperation fund with the initial capital of 10 billion dollars)。
習近平提出把中非關系提升為全面戰略合作伙伴關系(a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership),攜手邁向合作共贏、共同發展的新時代(join hands to open a new era of win-win cooperation and common development)。他提出要夯實“五大支柱”(five pillars):第一,堅持政治上平等互信(stick to equality and mutual trust in politics);第二,堅持經濟上合作共贏(pursue win-win cooperation in the economic realm);第三,堅持文明上交流互鑒(learn from each other in culture);第四,堅持安全上守望相助(close ranks and help each other on security);第五,堅持國際事務中團結協作(cement unity and coordination on international affairs)。
(中國日報網英語點津 劉秀紅)
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