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President Xi Jinping addresses the 2015 Global Poverty Reduction and Development Forum in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 16, 2015. (Photo/Xinhua) |
【熱詞】獲得感 Feel the progress
As the CPC Central Committee has entrusted the coordination of reform plans to the leading group, local Party organs and governments must play their part in implementing the central leadership's decisions. Concrete reform measures are needed so that people can really feel the progress.
【背景】這是習近平2015年2月27日上午在主持中央全面深化改革領導小組第十次會議時提出的。3月4日下午,習近平在全國政協十二屆三次會議民革、臺盟、臺聯聯組會發表對臺講話時再次提到“獲得感”:“只有讓兩岸(cross-Strait)協商對話、交流合作(communication and cooperation)的成果,轉化為臺灣各階層民眾的普遍‘獲得感’,才能拉近兩岸同胞的心理距離,才能確保兩岸關系和平發展勢頭不被逆轉。”在今年全國兩會期間,作為政治理論話語體系中一個帶著新鮮生活氣息的新詞,“獲得感”同時攪動了會場內外兩個輿論場。
【熱詞】凈化政治生態 Improving "political ecology"
Xi warned against pollution of the "political ecology", urging officials to stay disciplined amid efforts to promote development. "Political ecology is like natural ecology; it is easily vulnerable to pollution in an unguarded moment," he said. "Once problems arise, a great price must be paid for recovery."
【背景】在今年的兩會上,習近平在先后參加江西和吉林代表團審議時,談到了“政治生態”(political ecology)問題,“要著力凈化政治生態,營造廉潔從政良好環境”。這個詞由習近平在去年七一前的政治局集體學習上首次提及,此后又在多個場合闡述,已成全面從嚴治黨(comprehensively strengthen Party discipline)的關鍵詞之一。
【熱詞】改革促進派 Reform promoters
Ideological and political work should be highly valued. As reform progresses, ideology should follow each step of the reform. People should strive to become reformers. Xi requires officials to be reform promoters and correctly deal with problems on the path of reform.
【背景】2015年5月5日中央全面深化改革領導小組召開第十二次會議,習近平專門提到“改革促進派”,引發社會廣泛解讀。“改革促進派”其實在改革開放(reform and opening up)初期就曾被提出過,但當下它在中央深改組會議上被提及,無疑具有新內涵,它也與全面深化改革(comprehensively deepening reform)之需相呼應。
【熱詞】精準扶貧 Targeted measures in poverty alleviation
Targeted measures that follow local characteristics should be taken in poverty alleviation, so as to reach China's goal of eradicating poverty by 2020.
【背景】“精準扶貧”是今年的熱詞(hot words)之一。2015年6月18日,習近平在貴州召開部分省區市黨委主要負責同志座談會時就加大力度推進扶貧開發工作(poverty alleviation)提出“4個切實”的具體要求:切實落實領導責任、切實做到精準扶貧、切實強化社會合力、切實加強基層組織。早在2013年11月3日,習近平在武陵山區中心地帶的湘西土家族苗族自治州調研扶貧攻堅時就談到,扶貧要實事求是(seeking truth from facts),因地制宜。要精準扶貧,切忌喊口號,也不要定好高騖遠的目標。2015年3月8日,習近平到廣西代表團參加審議時再次指出,要把扶貧攻堅抓緊抓準抓到位,堅持精準扶貧,倒排工期,算好明細賬,決不讓一個少數民族、一個地區掉隊。
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