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2. 國產航母
domestically manufactured aircraft carrier
The Ministry of National Defense confirmed on Thursday that the design and manufacturing of China's first domestically manufactured aircraft carrier is moving along as planned.
在27日下午召開的國防部例行記者會(press conference)上,國防部新聞發言人吳謙透露,我國首艘國產航母(domestically manufactured/made aircraft carrier)目前已完成設計工作,主船體已在塢內合攏成型(the main body has taken its shape in the dock),正在開展設備安裝和舾裝等建造工作(equipment and facility installation as well as outfitting are underway)。吳謙還表示,關于航母建設的后續進展情況(the follow-up progress of the aircraft carrier's manufacturing),我們將適時發布信息(information will be released in due time)。
在去年的國防部最后一次例行記者會上,國防部新聞發言人楊宇軍向媒體證實,我國正在自主開展設計和建造第二艘航母(design and build the second aircraft carrier on its own)。這艘航母的設計和建造吸收了我國首艘航母"遼寧艦"科研試驗和訓練的有益經驗(draw on the valuable lessons gleaned from the scientific tests and training conducted on China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning),在許多方面將有新的改進和提高。遼寧艦由俄羅斯制造的航母改裝而成(the Liaoning is a refitted Russian-made carrier),于2012年9月25日交付中國人民解放軍海軍(be delivered to the People's Liberation Army Navy)。
據悉,我國第二艘航母的排水量約為5萬噸級(a displacement of 50,000 tons),采用常規動力裝置(conventional power plant);搭載國產殲-15戰斗機和其他型號艦載機(carry domestically developed J-15 fighter jets and other ship-borne aircraft),艦載固定翼飛機采用滑躍起飛方式(fixed-wing aircraft on the carrier will use a ski-jump to take off);艦上將配有滿足任務需要的各型設備。
核動力航母 nuclear-powered aircraft carrier
海洋大國 major maritime country
在建 under construction
維護海洋安全 safeguard maritime security
海洋權益 maritime interests and rights
軍用/商用/民用 military/commercial/civil use
上一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(10.15-21)
下一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(10.29-11.4)
Email: languagetips@chinadaily.com.cn