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1. 藍天保衛戰
make our skies blue again
Delivering the Government Work Report to the Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th National People's Congress on Sunday, Premier Li Keqiang said effective steps will be taken to tackle air pollution and "make our skies blue again".
李克強在會上表示,加快改善環境(faster progress in the work of improving the environment),特別是空氣質量(air quality),是人民群眾的迫切愿望,是可持續發展(sustainable development)的內在要求。必須科學施策、標本兼治(tackle both symptoms and root causes)、鐵腕治理(fight it with all our might),努力向人民群眾交出合格答卷。
根據政府工作報告,二氧化硫(sulfur dioxide)、氮氧化物(oxynitride)排放量要分別下降3%,重點地區(key areas)細顆粒物濃度明顯下降(a sharp decline in the density of fine particulate matter, or PM2.5)。為實現打好"藍天保衛戰"的目標(the goal of defending blue sky),一要加快解決燃煤污染問題(accelerate solving the problem of pollution caused by coal burning);二要全面推進污染源治理(promote control of pollution sources in an all-round way);三要強化機動車尾氣治理(strengthen management of vehicle emissions);四要有效應對重污染天氣;五要嚴格環境執法(strictly enforce environmental laws)和督查問責(oversight and accountability)。
李克強稱,治理霧霾人人有責(tackling smog is down to every last one of us),貴在行動、成在堅持(success depends on action and commitment)。全社會不懈努力(as long as the whole of our society keeps trying),藍天必定會一年比一年多起來(we will have more and more blue skies with each passing year)。
2. 一帶一路高峰論壇
high-level Belt & Road Initiative forum
Leaders of more than 20 countries will attend a high-level Belt and Road Initiative forum in Beijing in May, joining more than 50 leaders of international organizations, 100 ministerial representatives and a total of 1,200 guests across the world, said Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday at a news conference during the two sessions.
王毅稱,"一帶一路"是中國的,但更是世界的(the Belt and Road Initiative came from China but it belongs to the world)。"一帶一路"版權雖屬中國,但收益為各國共享。習近平主席提出"一帶一路"倡議三年多來,成為迄今最受歡迎的國際公共產品(the most popular international public product),也是目前前景最好的國際合作平臺(the best international cooperation forum by far)。
王毅稱,在當前保護主義、單邊主義抬頭的情況下(face the rising protectionism and unilateralism),"一帶一路"是各國擼起袖子一起干的共同事業(a common cause that requires all countries to roll up their sleeves),有助于推動經濟全球化朝著更加普惠、包容的方向來實現再平衡(help rebalance economic globalization by making it more universally beneficial and inclusive),當然也將成為共建人類命運共同體的重要實踐(an important practice to build a human community with shared destiny)。
3. 民法總則
general provisions of civil law
National lawmakers on Wednesday started to deliberate draft general provisions of civil law, which, if adopted, will bring the country one step closer to a civil code.
這是對民法總則草案(draft general provisions of civil law)的第四次審議(the fourth review)。2014年10月,黨的十八屆四中全會(the Forth Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee)提出要編纂民法典(civil code);次年3月,中辦、國辦(the general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council)授權全國人大常委會法工委負責協調民法典編纂任務,并指定包括最高法(the Supreme People's Court)和最高檢(the Supreme People's Procuratorate)在內的五個單位提供研究協助;去年4月,全國人大常委會(Standing Committee of the National People's Congress)將制定民法總則列入了2016年立法工作計劃;兩月后,十二屆全國人大常委會第二十一次會議初次審議民法總則草案;去年10月、12月,十二屆全國人大常委會第二十四次會議、第二十五次會議分別二審、三審草案。
綠色原則 green principle
In their civil activities, civil subjects must be aware of the need to save resources and protect the environment.
胎兒民事權利 civil law rights of fetuses
Fetuses that require protection for the succession of estates and reception of donations shall be deemed as having the capacity for civil law rights.
限制民事行為能力年齡 the statutory age limit of minors with limited capacity for civil conduct
The draft lowers the statutory age limit of minors with limited capacity for civil conduct from 10 to six years.
網絡虛擬財產保護 protection of online virtual assets
People's personal information is protected by law. No individual shall illegally collect, use, process and transmit personal information, nor should they illegally trade, disseminate or disclose any personal information.
見義勇為 acting voluntarily to help another in emergency
A person shall not bear civil responsibilities if he acts voluntarily to help another in emergency and inflicts losses on the one being helped.
4. 國資監管
State-owned capital supervision
China will continue to deepen the reform of State-owned enterprises (SOEs) and further strengthen State-owned capital supervision to ensure their safety and appreciation this year, Xiao Yaqing, chairman of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said on Thursday at a news conference during the two sessions.
肖亞慶表示,今年國企管理和改革(the management and reform of SOEs)有三個重點:加強國有資本監管(strengthen State-owned capital supervision)、強化風險控制(enhance risk control)以及深化國企改革(deepen SOEs reform)。我國將采取一系列的改革措施提高國有企業在國際市場的收益(improve SOEs' revenue in global markets)。這些措施包括:混合所有制改革(mixed-ownership reform),設立資產管理公司(establishment of asset management companies),以及國企股權多元化(diversification of SOE equity)。
國資委副主任黃丹華稱,國資委今年國資監管的重點將從之前的管理國企本身(govern SOEs themselves)轉向管理其資產(manage their assets),減少資源浪費(cut resource waste),提高工作效率(improve work efficiency)。
5. 長途漫游費
long-distance and roaming fees
China's three major telecom carriers announced on Monday they will scrap domestic long-distance and roaming charges starting Oct 1, following Premier Li Keqiang's promise in the Government Work Report.
5日,國務院總理李克強在政府工作報告中指出,今年網絡提速降費要邁出更大步伐(do more to increase broadband speed and lower rates for internet services),年內全部取消手機國內長途和漫游費(mobile rates for domestic roaming and long-distance calls will be cancelled),大幅降低中小企業互聯網專線接入資費(rates for broadband services for small and medium enterprises will be slashed),降低國際長途電話費(rates for international calls will be lowered),推動"互聯網+"深入發展(push forward with the Internet Plus action plan)、促進數字經濟加快成長(speed up the development of the digital economy)。
6日,工業和信息化部副部長陳肇雄在國新辦發布會上表示,今年10月1日起將全面取消手機長途漫游費(remove completely the domestic long-distance and roaming tariffs for mobile users)。下一步,工信部還將擴大國內互聯網網間帶寬,提升互聯網國際出入口帶寬能力,推進農村寬帶全覆蓋(full coverage of access to broadband networks in rural areas),完善老舊小區光纖入戶政策;規范企業資費行為(regulate the tariff-setting behaviors of enterprises),促進良性競爭(promote healthy competition),持續優化電信市場環境(continue to improve market environment of telecommunications)。
漫游費指在手機號碼歸屬地以外的地區使用電信服務(use telecom services in places other than where the phone number is registered)所產生的額外費用(extra fees)。手機漫游費是2G時代的產物(a product of the 2G era),隨著4G的快速普及(rapid popularization of 4G services),流量(traffic data)已經取代語音通話(voice call)成為運營商最大的收入來源。三大電信運營商(three major telecom carriers)近日均表示將取消國內漫游費,降低部分國際漫游費,轉而尋求云計算(cloud computing)、大數據(big data)等新的業務增長來源(seek new sources of business growth)。
6. 全域旅游
all-for-one tourism
In the Government Work Report he delivered on Sunday, Premier Li Keqiang called for improved tourist facilities and services, and for a big push to develop rural tourism, recreational tourism and all-for-one tourism.
所謂"全域旅游(all-for-one tourism)",是指將一個區域作為旅游目的地(tourist destination)來建設和運作,實現區域資源有機整合、產業融合發展(integrated development)、社會共建共享,以旅游業帶動和促進經濟社會協調發展(promote coordinated development of the economy and society)。突破行業、部門、區域局限,把旅游業放到推進新型工業化、城鎮化、信息化和農業現代化(promote a new type of industrialization, urbanization, IT application and agricultural modernization)的大格局中來謀劃,促進旅游業與生態、文化、體育等產業深度融合(deep integration),形成多點支撐的(be driven by multiple props, be brought by multi-stimuli/multiple driving forces)大旅游發展格局。在"全域旅游"格局中,到處都是風景(scenery/landscape),而非到處都是景點景區(scenic spots and tourist sites);到處都有接待服務(reception services),而非到處都是賓館飯店。
分析人士指出,"全域旅游"首次寫入政府工作報告,契合了當下旅游業的發展趨勢(in accordance with the current tourism trend),是對未來我國旅游業發展的重要引導(a significant guidance to the development of China's tourism in the future),旅游將從傳統旅游發展到"旅行",進而發展到"旅居(sojourn)"。國家旅游局局長李金早表示,我國旅游正從"景點旅游"向"全域旅游"轉變。在我國旅游發展的初級階段,主要是建景點、景區、飯店、賓館。然而旅游業發展到現在,已經到了全民旅游(mass tourism)和個人游(independent travel, individual tour)、自駕游(self-driving tour)為主的全新階段,傳統的景點旅游(tourism at scenic spots)模式已不能滿足現代大旅游發展的需要。
7. 部長通道
ministers' passage
Ministers' passage in the Great Hall of People is the main place for journalists to conduct interviews with leading officials during the annual two sessions. The ministers' passage for this year's national two sessions officially opened on Friday afternoon.
部長通道是媒體記者(media reporters)的一個習慣叫法,指的是人民大會堂北門一段鋪著紅地毯(red carpet)、長約百米的通道。這條通道是每年列席兩會的國務院各部部長(ministers from departments under the State Council) 、直屬機構主要負責人進入會場的必經之路,也是新聞媒體(news media, the press)捕捉新聞的必爭之地。媒體記者為了占據部長通道的有利位置(vantage point),往往都使出渾身解數(try all means, spare no efforts)。
從2008年開始,為了有序采訪,工作人員在部長和采訪人員(interviewers)之間拉了一道隔離線,測試了發言話筒(microphone)和音響,也為記者架設了攝像機、攝影機等設備。2015年以來,通道服務進一步改進。工作人員提前與部委溝通,邀請部委負責人及時來到現場接受采訪,讓部長們與記者的溝通更為順暢,是兩會民主、開放、透明(democracy, openness and transparency)的一個具體體現。據統計,2016年兩會期間,這個部長通道共開通9次,共38人次的部委負責人站在了部長通道話筒前,回應中外記者提問70多次。
據了解,今年的部長通道得到國務院各個部門的積極響應。到場部長有望增加,將成為發布權威信息(release authoritative information),解讀報告政策(interpret reports and policies),介紹工作情況,解答熱點、難點問題(respond to hot issues and thorny issues)的重要場所。為更好搜集公眾關心的熱點問題,部長通道將在現場開通微信公號(WeChat official account),媒體記者掃描之后就可提交問題(submit questions)。記者問題也可以通過手機短信等其它形式提交。
8. 環境責任險
environmental pollution liability insurance
China is quickening the pace of putting together its compulsory environmental pollution liability insurance implementation plan-and joint regulation and product designs could be key issues, experts said on Monday.
The key areas the insurance projects cover include heavy industry, heavy metals, textile dyeing and printing and the chemical industries.
環境污染強制責任險(compulsory environmental pollution liability insurance,簡稱pollution insurance)是以企業發生污染事故對第三者造成損害依法應當承擔的賠償責任為標的的保險(the protection of the insured’s pollution liability toward third parties who have suffered a loss caused by the insured as its final object)。
環責險是綜合責任險的一個分支(an outgrowth of comprehensive general liability insurance),于上世紀60年代在美國、法國及德國等工業化國家率先推出,以解決污染導致的賠償責任超出綜合責任險賠付能力的問題(the cost of pollution compensation exceeded risk coverage of comprehensive general liability insurance policies)。當時分為強制環責險(compulsory environmental pollution liability insurance)和自愿環責險(voluntary environmental pollution liability insurance)兩種。美德兩國主要實行強制險,法國實行自愿險。
2007年我國開始在部分地區開展環境污染責任保險試點(pilot projects);2013年2月保監會和環保部聯合發文將試點范圍擴大到全國。到目前為止,中國已經有30個省區市開展環境污染責任險的試點,包括重工業、重金屬,還有印染、化工等行業。
保監會主席項俊波表示,保險公司不僅僅是一手收錢,一手搞理賠,還要為企業提供風險評估和建議(offer risk assessments and suggestions to companies)。這個方案出臺以后,對大氣治理、水污染治理、環境治理都有相當大的促進作用。
9. 減稅降費
Cut taxes and administrative fees
China will cut taxes and administrative fees by 550 billion yuan ($79.7 billion) this year to further reduce the corporate burden and will roll out favorable tax policies to support small innovative and technology companies, Finance Minister Xiao Jie said on Tuesday.
“減稅降費”具體包括“稅收減免”(tax reduction and exemption)和“取消或停征行政事業性收費”(cancel or exempt administrative fees)兩部分。
減稅方面,全年將減稅3500億元左右,包括繼續完善營改增試點政策(improve the pilot project to replace business tax with value-added tax)、將企業所得稅減半征收優惠范圍從年應納稅所得額30萬元提高到50萬元以下的小微企業(companies with annual taxable income lower than 500,000 yuan will have a 50 percent tax cut)、將研發費用加計扣除的比例由50%提高到了75%等。
個稅改革方案(reform of personal income tax)將部分收入項目如工資薪金(salary)、勞務報酬(remuneration of labor)、稿酬(author’s remuneration)等,實行按年匯總納稅。財政部還將考慮適當增加與家庭生計相關的專項開支扣除項目(considering more tax cuts concerning family livelihood),比如有關“二孩”家庭的教育等支出,其他的專項扣除項目等。
降費方面,今年降費約2000億元。財政部重點做好兩項工作,包括全面清理規范政府性基金(government-managed funds),改革到位后全國政府性基金將剩下21項;取消或停征35項涉企行政事業性收費(administrative fees),中央涉企收費項目減少一半以上,將剩余33項。
10. 混合所有制改革
mixed-ownership reform
The government pledged to improve SOEs' revenue in global markets via a number of reform measures this year, including mixed-ownership reform, establishment of asset management companies and diversification of SOE equity.
《中共中央關于全面深化改革若干重大問題的決定》指出要積極發展混合所有制經濟(mixed-ownership economy/mixed economy)。
國有資本(state-owned capital)、集體資本(collective capital)、非公有資本(non-public capital)等交叉持股、相互融合的混合所有制經濟,是基本經濟制度的重要實現形式(an important way to materialize the basic economic system),有利于國有資本放大功能、保值增值、提高競爭力(improving the amplification function of state-owned capital, ensuring the appreciation of its value and raising its competitiveness),有利于各種所有制資本取長補短、相互促進、共同發展。
允許更多國有經濟和其他所有制經濟發展成為混合所有制經濟。國有資本投資項目允許非國有資本參股(allowing non-state-owned capital to hold shares in projects invested by state-owned capital)。允許混合所有制經濟實行企業員工持股(allowing mixed enterprises to implement employee stock ownership plans),形成資本所有者和勞動者利益共同體(communities of capital owners and laborers)。
肖亞慶表示,今年國企管理和改革有三個重點:加強國有資本監管(strengthen State-owned capital supervision)、強化風險控制(enhance risk control)以及深化國企改革(deepen State-owned enterprise reform)。
今年政府工作報告中再次強調,深化混合所有制改革,在電力、石油、天然氣、鐵路、民航、電信、軍工等七大領域邁出實質性步伐(we will deepen reform to establish mixed ownership systems, and make substantive progress in industries including electric power, petroleum, natural gas, railways, civil aviation, telecommunications, and defense),并將混改列入今年深化改革的重要領域和關鍵環節。
肖亞慶表示,2017年混合所有制的突破口要進一步擴大。央企混改層級根據企業實際情況來定,總之混改是要讓各個股東方和利益方都能得到利益和好處(make sure that both stakeholder and shareholder can benefit from the reform)。
(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)
上一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(3.4-10)
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