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3. 蹲式窗口
squat-style counters
湖南株洲火車站派出所制證點窗口 |
The scene about "squat-style counters" in the popular anti-corruption TV drama "In the Name of the People" is not an invention of the scriptwriter. Netizens have revealed that the counter of the police station in Zhuzhou railway station in Hunan is only 80 cm from the ground, and residents have to squat when talking to the police officers.
電視劇《人民的名義》中,達康書記批評光明區信訪局(bureau for letters and calls)窗口低矮讓人印象深刻。如今,劇中的光明區"蹲式窗口(squat-style counter)"有了許多現實版,多地服務窗口(service window)相繼被網友反映過于低矮、"讓人站也不是,蹲也不是(make it uncomfortable whether to stand or to squat)"。繼鄭州社保局被曝出有蹲式窗口后,近日,又有網友反映,在株洲火車站派出所等單位也有此類窗口。目前,上述兩家單位已及時進行整改(make rectifications),并正式實施開放辦公。
有評論分析,蹲式窗口主要出現在基層政府(community-level government)部門,面對普通民眾辦事,本來是服務型窗口,卻因設計不當(ill-designed)令民眾叫苦不迭,充分暴露出部分基層單位"門難進、臉難看、事難辦"的現實尷尬,折射出一些政府機構高高在上的服務姿態(expose the arrogance of some government organizations when serving the people)。
全心全意為人民服務 serve the people wholeheartedly
簡政放權 streamline administration and delegate government powers
懶政怠政 be lazy and neglectful of one's duties
推諉扯皮 shirk responsibility
玩忽職守 dereliction of duty
上一篇 : 北京發布共享單車指導意見
下一篇 : 我國完成首次“地理國情普查”
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