中國日報網 2015-07-08 10:19
Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks at a conference on improving the mass organizations' operation in Beijing, capital of China. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)
President Xi Jinping said on July 7 that China's 1.3 billion people should be better mobilized by mass organizations to achieve the country's full potential.
“群團組織”即“群體性社團組織”,可以用英文mass organizations 表示。社團組織一般分為“群體性社團組織”(mass organization)、“學術性社團組織”(academic organization)和“活動性社團組織”(activist organization)。“群體性社團組織”主要特點是經常進行群體性活動,主要有青年團、婦聯、工會、工商聯、殘聯、文聯、關工委等,是黨聯系群眾的橋梁和紐帶(channels that connect the public with the CPC)。其中,mass意為“大眾”、“群眾”,如,群眾路線(mass line)、群眾工作(mass work)、大眾教育(mass education)、大眾傳媒(mass media)、群眾歡慶游行(mass pageant)。
習近平指出,群團工作(the work of mass organizations)是黨的事業的重要組成部分。新形勢下,黨的群團工作只能加強、不能削弱,只能改進提高、不能停滯不前(Under new circumstances, the work of mass organizations should be improved, not weakened or allowed to stagnate)。保證黨始終同廣大人民群眾同呼吸、共命運、心連心(The Party should always share the fate of the people, with their hearts closely linked together)。
習近平肯定了黨的群團工作取得的顯著成績,同時提出要重點解決脫離群眾(being alienated from the people)的問題。切實增強群團組織的政治性、先進性、群眾性和服務性,廣大群團干部要自覺踐行“三嚴三實”(three stricts and three earnests)、自覺抵制和糾正“四風”(four undesirable work styles)問題,把廣大人民群眾對美好生活的追求匯聚成強大動力,共同譜寫新篇章。
(中國日報網英語點津 劉秀紅)