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2000億條微博被國家圖書館保存 網友:后人不懂我的梗咋辦?

中國日報網 2019-04-24 13:13




More than 210 million news stories published on Sina.com, the news portal operated by the parent company of Weibo Sina Corp, together with 200 billion public posts on Weibo, will be archived under a non-profit project by the national library, according to a statement on Weibo’s official account on government services.


Archive,讀作 [?ɑrka?v],可作為動詞或名詞使用,表示“存檔;檔案文件,檔案館”,比如,to archive documents(文件存檔);an archive of historical manuscripts(歷史手稿檔案館)。這里提到的互聯網信息存檔可以直接用web archiving或者online data archiving表示。






據介紹,該項目旨在聯合國內各信息保存機構,在全國范圍內構建分級分布的中文網絡信息資源采集與保存體系,保存互聯網時代的國家記憶和數字遺產(to preserve national memory and digital heritage in the internet era)。


The project is established for the long-term development of national information security and the informatization of society.

根據相關規定,在信息數據保存方面,國家圖書館互聯網信息戰略保存基地將采取社會化保存模式,共建過程中信息數據仍由共建主體保存和管理(data collected from Weibo and Sina.com will be stored and managed on company servers),共建主體需確保其提供的信息數據完整、有效、安全(the company needs to make sure that data collected are complete, valid and secure),并擁有合法所有權(legal ownership)、知識產權(intellectual property right)或已獲得相應授權(acquired authorization)。

國家圖書館將根據基地保存規范、數據遴選機制和服務需要提供使用需求,適時將部分基地數據納入國家文獻信息戰略保存體系,并與共建主體聯合開展數據分析,服務于政策決策、學術研究等非商業用途(jointly analyze the data for policymaking and academic purposes)。

互聯網信息存檔 國際上早有先例


Archiving online data has become an increasingly popular means of recording the cultural and intellectual legacy of the modern digital world. Countries like the UK and the Netherlands have established their own institutes dedicated to digital preservation. In France and Germany, national libraries play the role of preserver.

In 2003, an organization called the International Internet Preservation Consortium, or IIPC, was established to oversee the collection, preservation, and sharing of “knowledge from the global web.” Today, its members hail from 45 countries.

The National Library of China joined the IIPC in 2007 and has been archiving over 20,000 government websites since then, as well as information about events such as the SARS epidemic in 2003, the Great Wenchuan Earthquake of 2008, and the Beijing Olympics the same year.


互聯網信息存檔 web archiving

隱私政策 privacy policy

信息安全 information security

國家戰略 national strategy

數據收集 data collection

數字遺產 digital heritage

參考來源:中國青年報、Sixth Tone

(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)

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