Heavy lifting
Please explain “heavy lifting” in this passage (Way too many parents are filling out job applications for their grown children, Yahoo.com, March 20, 2019): “We’ve forgotten this very important fact: you have to remember that one day you will be dead and gone,” Julie Lythcott-Haims, a former Stanford University dean and the author of How to Raise an Adult, told Quartz at Work last year. “When we over-help and become the person who does the heavy lifting and thinking in our kids’ lives, they will be totally lost and abandoned when we no longer can.”
Here’s the rub
Sit this one out?
Please explain “sit this one out” in this: A word of caution: these jokes are not for the faint of heart, so if you’re easily offended, you might want to sit this one out.
Swing states
Understanding what “swing states” means is, in fact, quintessential to understanding the American election, but let me explain.
Let off the hook?
In a bad place?
Please explain “in a bad place”, as in this sentence: Failing to make the team, I was in a bad place about who I am and what I can do. I feel like I’m in a better place now.
Feel like missing out? 感覺錯過了什么
Missing out指因未參與或未經歷而錯過某事物或某個機會。
The election is in the bag? 勝券在握
In the bag意思是穩操勝券。
Didn’t get the memo? 沒收到通知
Didn’t get the memo意思是不了解或沒被告知某事,通常用于表示某人未收到關于某事的信息或未理解某種情況。
Kindred spirits 知音
Kindred spirits指與自己有著相似興趣、態度或情感的人。
That’s kind of moot 沒什么意義
Inside joke? 內部笑話
Inside joke指的是只有了解某個特定事物的人才能理解的笑話。
Waiting out the storm? 等待暴風雨過去
Waiting out the storm意思是等待暴風雨過去,也可以引申為等待困難時期結束。
On injury time? 傷停補時
On injury time指的是傷停補時,也可表示時日無多。
A real heartstopper? 驚心動魄
A real heartstopper指的是驚心動魄的事物。