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一周新聞熱詞榜,一網打盡trending news。CHINADAILY手機報新一期熱詞榜發榜啦!
1. 政治季
political season
The Fourth Session of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference opened at 3 pm Thursday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, marking the start of China's political season.
每年3月召開的全國兩會(two sessions)被稱為"中國政治季(China's political season)",而在如火如荼地進行著總統大選的美國,目前也是政治季。全國"兩會"是一個約定俗成的簡稱,正式是指"全國人民代表大會(the National People's Congress, NPC)"和"中國人民政治協商會議(the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, CPPCC)"。今年是"十三五"規劃(the 13th Five-Year Plan)的開局之年,透過全國兩會,未來兩周,"中國議題"(topics discussed at China's two sessions)將引來全球關注(capture global attention)。
兩會上的七大報告是"硬菜",它們是:政協全國委員會常務委員會工作報告(the work report of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee)、人大常委會工作報告(the work report of the NPC Standing Committee)、政府工作報告(the government work report)、最高法工作報告(the work report of the Supreme People's Court)、最高檢工作報告(the work report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate)以及國民經濟和社會發展計劃草案的報告(the report on the draft plan for national economic and social development)和中央和地方預算草案的報告(the report on the central and local draft budgets)。每年兩會期間還會舉行多場發布會、記者會,包括總理記者會(Premier's press conference)、外交部長記者會(Foreign Minister's press conference)等等。
在各大媒體對于今年兩會的熱點前瞻(the forecasting of hot topics)中,"十三五"規劃、供給側結構性改革(supply-side structural reform)、中國宏觀經濟走向(macro-economic trends)、人民幣匯率(RMB exchange rate)、股市樓市動態(stock market and property market trends)、反腐倡廉(anti-corruption and building a clean government)等都是輿論關注的熱點。
人大代表 NPC deputies/delegates
議案 motion
政協委員 CPPCC members
提案 proposal
審議 deliberate
草案 draft
決議 resolution
人大代表團團組會議 panel discussions of NPC delegations
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