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5. 卵子黑市
black market for human eggs
Business in the underground market for human eggs is flourishing and becomes a serious problem in the Chinese mainland.
據統計,2015年我國不孕不育患者已超過4000萬(more than 40m people in China have been diagnosed as infertile),需要輔助生殖技術(assisted reproductive technology)助孕的育齡婦女約為300萬。由于正規的卵子庫(ovum bank)遠遠不能滿足需求,卵子黑市交易(business in the underground/black market for human eggs)有了可乘之機。"取卵機構"向急迫的不孕夫婦宣傳其秘密服務("egg collection" agencies advertise their underground services to desperate infertile couples),同時年輕女性,特別是大學生被這個能賺取高額回報的機會所誘惑(be lured by the prospect of earning substantial sums of money in payment)。
據報道,在北京大學第三醫院生殖醫學中心附近,關于"捐卵(egg donation)"或"代孕(surrogacy)"的街頭廣告隨處可見,京滬高校的網絡論壇上也充斥著類似廣告。捐卵者一般都要受過良好教育且顏值要高(donors are generally expected to be well-educated and attractive),可獲得的報酬在2至6萬元。很多捐卵者都來自低收入群體(low income groups),因為捐卵是一種輕松賺快錢的方式(a quick and easy way to make money),不少人已"捐過3、4次"。然而,取卵過程可能會危及捐贈者的健康(the egg retrieval procedure might put donors in danger),引發并發癥(cause complications)。
北京春林律師事務所主任龐九林對記者表示,中介組織所進行的買賣卵子活動已構成犯罪,進行取卵的相關醫療機構也屬非法行醫(illegal medicine practice)。衛生部2003年修訂的《人類輔助生殖技術規范》中明確規定,禁止一切商業化卵子捐贈和提取行為(ban all commercial egg donation and extraction),贈卵只限于試管嬰兒治療中的剩余卵子(only eggs leftover from women who have undergone vitro fertilization treatments can be donated),嚴禁買賣卵子。然而,目前的法規只規定了對參與捐卵生意的醫療機構的處罰措施(current regulations only stipulate penalties for medical institutions who are involved in the egg donation business),卻未明確對參與交易的其他個人或機構的處罰。
試管嬰兒 test-tube baby
人工授精 artificial insemination
胚胎移植 embryo transfer
人工流產 induced abortion
妊娠反應 pregnancy reaction
上一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(10.22-28)
下一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(11.5-11)
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