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中國日報網 2019-08-01 09:40




國六排放標準 China VI vehicle emission standards

Sales and registrations of new vehicles in regions including Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Hebei province and Guangdong province now have to comply with the "China VI" vehicle emission standards, which is believed to be one of the world's strictest rules on automobile pollutants.


國六排放標準(China VI vehicle emission standards)全稱為“國家第六階段機動車污染物排放標準(China's stage 6 vehicle emission standards)”,分為對輕型車以及重型柴油車兩類標準,全稱分別為《輕型汽車污染物排放限值及測量方法(中國第六階段)(Stage 6 Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions from Light-Duty Vehicles)》,以及重型柴油車污染物排放限值及測量方法(中國第六階段)(Stage 6 Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions from heavy-duty diesel vehicles)》。由環境保護部、國家質檢總局分別于2016年12月23日、2018年6月22日發布。其中,輕型汽車(light-duty vehicles)指包括輕型汽油車(light-duty gasoline vehicles)、輕型燃氣車(light-duty natural gas vehicles)、輕型柴油車(light-duty diesel vehicles)和輕型兩用燃料汽車(light-duty dual-fuel vehicles)。輕型車國六標準采用分步實施的方式,設置國六a和國六b兩個排放限值方案,分別于2020年和2023年實施。


自2019年7月1日起,北京市重型燃氣車(heavy-duty natural gas vehicles)以及公交和環衛重型柴油車(heavy-duty diesel buses and cleaning vehicles)執行國六b排放標準;自2020年1月1日起,輕型汽油車(light-duty gasoline vehicles)和重型柴油車(heavy-duty diesel vehicles)執行國六b排放標準。

According to official data, emissions from some 6.21 million vehicles were responsible for 45 percent of Beijing's concentration of small, breathable particles known as PM2.5, a key indicator of air pollution.

相比國五標準,輕型車國六b標準限值加嚴了40%至50%;增加了實際道路行駛排放控制要求(real-world driving emission requirements);蒸發排放控制要求更加嚴格(evaporative emission-control requirements),排放限值降低了65%,需安裝車載加油油氣回收系統(OR VR),對加油過程的油氣排放進行控制(refueling emission control);同時增加了排放質保期的要求,低溫排放試驗一氧化碳(CO)和碳氫(HC)限值(low-temperature testing requirement and emission limits for CO and THC)加嚴1/3,并引入了嚴格的車載診斷系統(on-board diagnostics)控制要求。

重型車國六b標準與國五標準相比,大幅加嚴了污染物排放限值,氮氧化物(NOx)加嚴了77%,顆粒物(Particle Matter)加嚴了67%,新增顆粒物個數(particulate number)和氨(ammonia)的限值,此外,提出更加嚴格的自動監控要求和排放油耗聯合管控的要求。

2018年6月27日,國務院正式印發《打贏藍天保衛戰三年行動計劃》,對積極調整運輸結構(adjust transportation systems),發展綠色交通體系(advance green transport)等方面做出要求。其中提出:“2019年7月1日起,重點區域、珠三角地區、成渝地區提前實施國六排放標準。推廣使用達到國六排放標準的燃氣車輛。”



數據安全檢查 data security checks

The four-stage campaign aims to finish data security checks on all telecom companies, 50 major internet companies and 200 popular applications by the end of October, according to an action plan released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.


Security強調的是免受來自外部或內部“蓄意或惡意”的傷害,采取必要的措施防止這樣的傷害發生,確保國家、組織或個人正常運轉,比如:national security(國家安全)、public security(公共安全),以及這里提到的data security(數據安全)。

Safety強調的是一個系統、組織或個人按照自己的機制正常運轉的“穩定狀態”。單位的“生產安全”是work safety,工廠里時常掛著的橫幅上寫的“安全第一”就是safety first。因為安全生產的所有保障措施都是為了讓工廠的生產正常進行,避免發生工人意外受傷的事件。

“食品安全”在英語里有兩個對應的表達,分別是food security和food safety。Food security強調的是確保人們都能得到維持健康生活所需要的糧食,主要跟糧食的供應和人們獲取的渠道有關;而food safety強調的是確保人們吃進嘴里的食物在生產、存儲和銷售等環節都符合衛生健康標準。

方案明確了本次專項行動的目標,即通過集中開展數據安全合規性評估(data security and compliance assessment)、專項治理和監督檢查(targeted management and inspection),督促基礎電信企業和重點互聯網企業強化網絡數據安全全流程管理,及時整改消除重大數據泄露、濫用等安全隱患(eliminate security risks including data leakage and data abuse)。

同時,基本建立行業網絡數據安全保障體系(an industry data security protection mechanism)。

網絡數據安全制度標準體系進一步完善,形成行業網絡數據保護目錄(data protection catalogs),制定15項以上行業網絡數據安全標準規范(formulating security standards in more than 15 industries),貫標試點企業不少于20家;

行業網絡數據安全管理和技術支撐平臺基本建成,遴選網絡數據安全技術能力創新示范項目不少于30個(select no less than 30 innovation demonstration projects in data security protection);

基礎電信企業和重點互聯網企業網絡數據安全管理體系有效建立(effectively build a security management system in telecom companies and internet firms)。

垃圾分類 garbage sorting

The Beijing urban management commission said on Wednesday that Beijing will follow Shanghai's suit on mandatory household garbage sorting, though in different garbage classification standards.


Follow suit是一個固定搭配的短語,表示“照著做;跟風”,這個短語來源于撲克牌游戲,suit指撲克牌四種花色里的任意一種,打牌的時候,如果一個人跟著前面的那個人出牌,人家出什么花色,他就跟著出什么花色,這個就叫follow suit,后來引申為“照著做”。



●廚余垃圾(kitchen waste,綠色桶):廚房產生的,如菜葉菜幫、剩飯剩菜、植物等。

●其他垃圾(other waste,灰色桶):包括保鮮膜、塑料袋、紙巾、大骨頭、玉米核等。

●有害垃圾(hazardous waste,紅色桶):對身體和環境有害的,如廢燈管、水銀溫度計、過期藥品、油漆、化妝品等,需用特殊方法安全處理。

需要特別注意的是,現在生產的1號、5號、7號等干電池是低汞或者無汞電池(low-mercury or mercury-free battery),所以就不屬于有害垃圾了,應投入“其他垃圾”中。但紐扣電池(button cell)、電子產品用的鋰電池(lithium battery)、電動車電瓶(electric-vehicle battery)等鉛蓄電池和鎳鎘充電電池仍需作為“有害垃圾”進行回收。


支付寶美顏功能 beauty filters with Alipay’s face-scanning solutions

A poll ran by news portal Sina Technology showed that more than 60% of respondents think they look uglier through the next-gen payments method than on a regular camera.



On Tuesday, Alipay announced on social media platform Weibo that it has added beauty filters to its face-scanning system inside the app. Within a week, the feature will roll out across retail stores equipped with Alipay’s face-scanning solutions.


Filter這個詞可以用作動詞或名詞,基礎的意思是“過濾;過濾器”,在智能手機和社交媒體領域則表示可以給照片額外添加各種效果和美化功能的“濾鏡”,比如,cat filter(貓咪濾鏡)、color correction filter(顏色修正濾鏡)等。在搜索引擎中常用的“關鍵詞過濾”則是keywords filter。

支付寶同時解釋稱,實際上機器識別的還是無美顏的容貌,美顏只是屏幕展示效果而已(the beauty filters are for the screen display only),因此對識別準確度和安全性沒有影響(accuracy and security of the recognition process won't be compromised)。


北京、上海、廣州、鄭州、太原、武漢、南昌、西安、長沙等地部分火車站已采用"刷臉"進站(face-scanning check-in)。這些車站的自動檢票機(automatic fare-collection gate)上都安裝了攝像頭,旅客走近機器時,它會抓取旅客臉部信息(facial information),與身份證芯片里的照片進行比對,票證信息相符(ticket information conforms to ID card information)、人臉與證件照比對通過,閘機自動放行。通常3至6秒便能成功通行,解放了人力也方便了旅客。"刷臉"進站采用人臉識別技術(facial recognition technology),這是基于人的臉部特征(facial features)進行身份識別(identity recognition)的一種生物識別技術(biological recognition technology)。


良渚古城遺址 Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Committee inscribed China's Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City on the World Heritage List as a cultural site on Saturday, bringing the total number of World Heritage Sites in China to 55, the highest in the world.


Inscribe這個詞的本意是“雕、刻”,刻上去的文字一般會保留很長時間,所以這個詞也有“寫入、記錄”之意,即to write, engrave, or print as a lasting record或者to enter on a list,常用的搭配除了上文中的inscribe something on something (as...)以外,還有inscribe something with...,比如:They inscribed the monument with the soldiers' names.(他們把戰士們的名字刻在紀念碑上。)


Located in the Yangtze River Basin on the south-eastern coast of the country, the archaeological ruins of Liangzhu (about 3300-2300 BCE) reveal an early regional state with a unified belief system based on rice cultivation in Late Neolithic China. The property is composed of four areas – the Area of Yaoshan Site, the Area of High-dam at the Mouth of the Valley, the Area of Low-dam on the Plain and the Area of City Site. These ruins are an outstanding example of early urban civilization expressed in earthen monuments, urban planning, a water conservation system and a social hierarchy expressed in differentiated burials in cemeteries within the property.

國際古跡遺址理事會(the International Council on Monuments and Sites ,ICOMOS)指出:

It is considered to be a supreme achievement of prehistoric rice-cultivating civilization of China and East Asia over 5,000 years ago and an outstanding example of early urban civilization.

以良渚古城為核心的良渚遺址是良渚文明的中心,遺存類型豐富,遺址格局完整,揭示了中華文明國家起源的基本特征,為中華五千多年文明史提供了最完整、最重要的考古學物證(the most concrete testimony of 5,000 years of Chinese civilization)。

英國知名考古學家科林·倫福儒(Colin Renfrew)曾在2013年和2017年兩赴良渚古城遺址參觀考察,對那里發掘的有5000年歷史之久的玉器和大型水利工程遺跡印象深刻。他說:

The importance of findings from the Neolithic Age in China has been greatly underestimated. Cong and bi unearthed from the Liangzhu historical site represent a unity of values in the region. The complexity of society in Liangzhu was on par with that of a country. This is the origin of Chinese civilization.

Viewed from a global perspective, Liangzhu has brought the origin of the state and society in China to a level equal to that of civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia and India.

The historical site at the Liangzhu dam might be the earliest one in the world.

素質教育 all-round education

《中共中央 國務院關于深化教育教學改革全面提高義務教育質量的意見》近日印發。

The guideline aims to develop an education system that will foster citizens with an all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic grounding, in addition to a hard-working spirit, according to the document.



According to the guideline, compulsory education should emphasize the effectiveness of moral education with efforts on cultivating ideals and faith, core socialist values, China's fine traditional culture, ecological civilization and mental health.

The document stressed elevating intellectual grounding level to develop the cognitive ability and stimulate the sense of innovation of the students.

It also called for strengthening physical education, enhancing aesthetic training with more art curriculums and activities, and encouraging students to participate in more physical work to boost their hard-working spirit.


Heuristic and interactive methods in teaching are encouraged to inspire students to think and ask questions.

More information technology should be integrated into school teaching, it said, specifically calling for more free and high-quality educational resources in rural and remote areas.


The guideline demands "high-quality and professional" teaching personnel, proposing more training to strengthen teachers' teaching fundamentals and work ethics, as well as improved salaries and benefits.

School principals are asked to shoulder more responsibilities and play better roles in improving education quality.


National curriculum schemes issued by the central authority should not be replaced by local and school- based curriculum, said the guideline.

Exam-free access to nearby primary and secondary schools should cover all school-age children, and schools are encouraged to promote the well-rounded development of students, the guideline said.

The country will secure the fiscal investment for compulsory education and motivate schools with higher education quality to help ordinary schools to achieve balanced compulsory education, according to the guideline.

It also demands strengthened Party leadership over compulsory education reform and more guidance to parents for better family education.

酒店布草 hotel linen


Dubbed as Wuhan's first green washing base, all linen handled by the company, including sheets, towels, duvet covers, will be embedded with a thin, high-temperature resistant chip that enables a hotel to monitor its supplies, and allows hotel guests to access information about their laundry via a QR code.


布草(hotel linen)是賓館酒店里床單(bed sheets)、被套(duvet covers)、毛巾(towels)等物品的統稱。這里要簡單說一下英語里關于“被子”的幾個表達:quilt,comforter以及duvet。Quilt是指帶絎縫的薄被(傳統款式是至少其中一面是由很多布碎拼貼而成的圖案),比comforter/duvet要薄。Comforter/Duvet Insert就是中國人最熟悉的被芯(內層可以是棉、聚酯纖維、羽絨等等),而comforter除了指被芯以外,還指那種在床品套裝(Bedding Sets)里的厚被子,表面已經帶有印花,是直接用的,不用再套被套,通常要洗的話是整張被子一起洗。Duvet Insert & Duvet Cover(被芯和被套)應該是小伙伴們最熟悉一種組合,duvet, duvet insert, comforter這幾個單詞很多時候可以互換,都表示“被芯”,但duvet和duvet insert一般特指純白色的被芯,通常會配上對應大小的duvet cover(被套)一起使用。

武漢市發改委環資處相關負責人稱,新型綠色洗滌設備洗一公斤布草只需7升水,一個員工8小時可洗滌布草1.6噸,該基地還配備有污水處理設備(wastewater treatment equipment),最大程度減少廢水污染。

The water used for cleaning will be tap water that has been purified, which is said to make the washed materials softer and more skin-friendly.

事實孤兒 de facto orphan

Jointly issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Supreme People's Court and 10 other departments, the guideline defined children with both parents serving prison terms, undergoing compulsory drug rehabilitation or restriction of personal freedom as de facto orphans. This puts them in the same category as children who have sick, disabled parents or parents who have been declared missing. If one of a child's parents is under the aforementioned conditions and the other parent is dead or missing, the child can also be identified as a de facto orphan.


Serve prison terms就是“服刑”的意思,serve這個詞最基本的意思是“服務”,引申開來就有“服役、任職、招待”等意思,比如美劇里時常會有個壯漢說:I served in Afghanistan.(我曾經在阿富汗服役。)或者,serve the interests of all the people(符合所有人的利益)。在網球和羽毛球比賽中,serve則表示“發球”,可用作動詞或名詞,比如:Whose turn is it to serve?(該誰發球了?)Federer's serve is unbeatable.(費德勒的發球無人能敵。)



一是強化基本生活保障(basic living allowances)。明確對事實無人撫養兒童發放基本的生活補貼。

二是加強醫療康復保障(medical relief programs)。對符合條件的事實無人撫養兒童按規定實施醫療救助。

三是完善教育資助的救助(assistance for schooling)。將事實無人撫養兒童參照孤兒納入教育資助的范圍,享受相應的政策待遇,優先納入國家資助政策體系和教育的幫扶體系。

四是督促落實監護的責任(responsibility of children's guardians)。要求依法打擊故意或者惡意不履行監護職責等各類侵害兒童權益的違法犯罪行為。

The document also warned of punishments if parents with childrearing capacity pretend they don't have the capability with the aim of defrauding government welfare for their children. The guideline said law enforcement officers can revoke guardianship of parents defrauding child welfare, and civil affairs authorities can charge those parents child-rearing fees.

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