中國日報網 2019-08-01 09:40
堵城 the most congested cities
China's southwestern municipality of Chongqing, home to more than 3 million registered cars, had the worst traffic congestion among 50 major cities in the second quarter this year, a recent traffic analysis report says.
With average rush-hour vehicular speeds as low as 24.95 kilometers per hour-almost as slow as riding a bicycle-people in the city need to spend nearly twice as long getting to their destinations during rush hour than when traffic is flowing freely, according to the report.
我們都知道早晚交通出行的高峰時段在英語里一般用rush hour或者peak hour表示,與其相對的“非高峰時段”就可以用non-rush hour或者off-peak hour表示?!敖煌〒矶隆倍嘤胻raffic jam或者traffic congestion表示,jam比congestion的用法要多一些,因為jam還可以指我們平常吃的“果醬”。另外,最近幾年倫敦等大城市開始實行的“擁堵費”可以用congestion charge來表示。
該報告針對我國城市地面公共出行(ground traffic)、城市道路交通(road traffic)、高速公路(expressway)運行三個方面,通過不同的評價指數,進行了一次全面的掃描和診斷。
報告顯示,2019年第二季度中國10大擁堵城市(top 10 most congested cities)分別為重慶市、哈爾濱市、北京市、長春市、呼和浩特市、大連市、濟南市、沈陽市、蘭州市、西寧市。
報告首次發布“綠色出行意愿指數(green travel willingness index)”,選取全國50個城市,依據高德地圖公交&地鐵(bus and subway)、騎行(cycling)、步行(walking)路線規劃總次數占比,歸一化處理后得出各城市的“綠色出行意愿指數”。指數越高表明城市綠色出行需求強度越大,反之綠色出行需求強度越小。
第二學士學位 the Second Bachelor’s Degree
Chinese universities and colleges will stop enrolling college graduates for a second bachelor's degree from July, according to a guideline issued by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council.
第二學士學位(the Second Bachelor’s Degree):學位等級的名稱。第二學士學位的授予標準是:已修完一個學科門類中某專業的本科課程,準予畢業并獲得該學科門類的學士學位,再攻讀另一個學科門類中的某本科專業(根據國家需要,也允許選擇同一學科門類中的另一本科專業),完成教學計劃規定的各項要求,成績合格,準予畢業者,可授予第二學士學位。第二學士學位的修業年限,一般為二年。(來源:中國學位與研究生教育信息網)
雙學位(double degree program)指的是在高等教育階段,同時學習兩個學科專業的學位課程(working for two university degrees in parallel),達到要求者可同時獲得兩個學科的學位。在我國,雙學位多見于本科學習階段(undergraduate education)。在歐盟國家,不少高校都開設碩士雙學位課程。
The program to enroll graduates for a second bachelor degree was set up as a complement to China's postgraduate programs.However, along with the rapid development of China's postgraduate education, the second bachelor degree program has fulfiled its mission, said the committee.
為分類推動復合型人才培養,管理辦法提出,設置輔修學士學位(get a bachelor's degree with a minor)、雙學士學位(double bachelor's degree)、聯合學士學位(joint bachelor's degree)三種學士學位類型。
對于全日制學生在本校自主選擇讀多個學位的,可以采取輔修學士學位方式(students can voluntarily minor in other studies at their own universities);
對于學校主導開展的復合型人才培養,可以采取雙學士學位方式(conduct training programs to grant two bachelor degrees to students),對招生、培養、畢業等進行整體設計,由省級學位委員會審批。
對于校際之間正式開展的復合型人才聯合培養項目(joint training programs to cultivate versatile talents),可以采取聯合學士學位方式,推進優質資源共享,報省級學位委員會審批。
外匯儲備 foreign exchange reserves
The State Administration of Foreign Exchange, China's forex regulator, disclosed for the first time on Sunday that the country had achieved a 10-year average return rate of 3.68 percent on its foreign exchange reserve investments from 2005 to 2014, according to the administration's 2018 annual report published on its website.
The administration also for the first time disclosed the currency composition of the country's foreign exchange reserves in the annual report. The reserves denominated by the US dollar accounted for 58 percent of the total by the end of 2014, down from 79 percent in 1995.
外匯儲備(foreign exchange reserves)是指一國政府所持有的國際儲備資產中的外匯部分(reserve assets in foreign currencies),即一國政府保有的以外幣表示的債權,是一個國家貨幣當局持有并可以隨時兌換外國貨幣的資產。狹義而言,外匯儲備指一個國家的外匯積累;廣義而言,外匯儲備是指以外匯計價的資產,包括現鈔(cash)、黃金(gold)、國外有價證券(foreign securities)等。
China's gold reserves increased to $87.27 billion by the end of June, up from $79.32 billion in January. China had the world's sixth-largest gold reserves by the end of 2018 with a total of 1,852 metric tons.
China's forex reserve currency structure is diversified, even more diversified than the world's average level. It is in line with requirements of China's economic and trade development, as well as the demand of international payments.
90后理財 post-90s' wealth management
The country's young people born between 1990 and 1999 began to manage their money at 23 years old on average, about 10 years earlier than their parents, according to the report.
The digital credit platform Huabei is also a popular service among the younger generation as they know how to make the most out of the credit service while avoiding overspending, the report showed.
“90后”出生的時候,互聯網已經較為普遍,所以這一代人被稱為“數字原住民”(digital natives)。
There's a whole generation of individuals for whom concepts such as the internet and wireless technology are just humdrum, because they've never lived in a world where they didn't exist. These are the so-called digital natives.
調研顯示,90%的“90后”使用花唄并非因為想要提前消費,而是因為希望“省錢”(save money)和“占便宜”(make the most of the service)。大量“90后”在調研中表示“自己先用花唄額度消費,把錢先存起來,這樣可以多賺一個月的收益”。
對比他們的余額寶和花唄發現,“90后”每月在余額寶攢的錢,平均是其花唄賬單的4.5倍(the money they put in Yu'ebao is 4.5 times as much as they pay through Huabei)。
The younger generation, growing amid rapid internet developments and abundant applications, are independent and smart with their money.