中國日報網 2019-09-30 10:17
9月,換臉軟件引發熱議,《體育強國建設綱要》發布,最高法發布作弊刑事案件司法解釋,修訂后的《中國共產黨問責條例》發布,教育部等八部門聯合發布意見規范教育app的使用,9月10日起陸續發行中華人民共和國成立70周年紀念幣一套,蘋果公司在美國總部Apple Park的喬布斯劇院舉行新品發布會,2022年冬奧會和冬殘奧會吉祥物發布,“螞蟻森林”獲得聯合國最高環保榮譽“2019地球衛士獎”,慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年閱兵活動相關安排公布,中華人民共和國國家勛章和國家榮譽稱號頒授儀式于9月29日上午10時在人民大會堂隆重舉行。
換臉軟件 face-swapping app
On the app, users can choose from a pool of video footage and replace a star's face with their own by uploading their own high-definition photos featuring a full-frontal shot of their faces.
The mobile application that enables users to appear as celebrities in hit movies or TV series has been widely accused of excessively collecting personal information, stirring public concerns over privacy and the rights to one's image.
The agreement said "before you upload or post any content, you agree to grant ZAO, its affiliates and ZAO users worldwide the right to sublicense and reauthorize and the right to irrevocably use your content for free and for good."
"The clauses require the users to fully authorize the image right to the platform … You can't control what they are going to do with your portrait," a Weibo user named Tone2 said.
"When you grant authorization to ZAO, all the rights of your face are no longer yours," another user named stoneyzombie commented.
As users need to log in with a personal phone number, some fear that once the phone number and facial images are disclosed, "criminals can directly talk to your family by using some technical synthesis," an unidentified Weibo user said.
There are many face-swapping applications and none have been able to pass the security check on Alipay no matter how lifelike the synthesized portraits look.
The app modified its user agreement, adding a special notice in the front that states content will not be used for other purposes and can be removed from the server.
We fully understand your concerns about privacy issues. We have received the questions you have raised and will correct the parts that were not well-considered. It will take some time.
體育強國 leading sports nation
The new plan, named "Outline for Building a Leading Sports Nation", targets wider public engagement in sports, better competitive sports performances, a stronger sports industry, a more vibrant sports culture, and enhanced sports exchanges.
People who frequently participate in physical exercises should account for over 45 percent of the population by 2035; China should become a modern leading sports socialist country by 2050, and its people’s physical fitness, general health levels and global influence in sports should be in the front ranks of the world.
一是落實全民健身國家戰略(advance the national fitness campaign),助力健康中國建設。
People’s health should be put at the core of the campaign, with national fitness plans to be formulated and implemented and scientific fitness knowledge and methods to be disseminated.
二是提升競技體育綜合實力(improve performance in competitive sports events),增強為國爭光能力。
Preparations were encouraged for the coming Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympic Games, the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.
三是加快發展體育產業(facilitate the growth of sports industry),培育經濟轉型新動能。
The development, design and manufacturing of sports goods will be supported, and their supply capacity will be improved as well, the circular read, adding more mass sports activities should be organized and sports games should be held during holidays to stimulate people’s consumption.
四是促進體育文化繁榮發展(cultivate a vibrant sports culture),弘揚中華體育精神。
五是加強對外和對港澳臺體育交流(enhance sports exchanges with other countries, Hong Kong and Macao SARs and Taiwan),服務大國特色外交和“一國兩制”事業。
作弊刑事案件司法解釋 judicial interpretation about crimes of exam cheating
People who organize exam cheating or offer high-tech equipment to test takers in order to cheat will face heavier penalties in accordance with a newly released judicial interpretation.
Cheat這個詞在英語里很常用,可以作為動詞和名詞使用,有“欺騙、騙子、出軌”等意思,不同的搭配會表達不同的意思,我們在使用的時候要非常注意。比如,cheat on someone表達的是“背著(配偶、性伴侶)亂搞;對(配偶、性伴侶)不忠”的意思,也就是我們常說的“出軌”,如果你想說“她騙了我”可以直接用she cheated me或者she fooled me來表示,而千萬不能說she cheated on me。另外,我們也可以直接說someone is a cheat,來表示“某人是個騙子”。
為嚴厲懲治考試作弊犯罪,2015年11月1日起施行的《刑法修正案(九)》明確組織作弊(organize cheating)、提供作弊器材(provide equipment or help for cheating)、非法出售或提供試題答案(illegally sell exam questions and answers)、代考替考(take tests for somebody else)等4類行為最高可判處七年有期徒刑(a sentence of up to seven years imprisonment)。根據刑法第二百八十四條之一的規定,組織考試作弊罪,非法出售、提供試題、答案罪和代替考試罪的適用范圍是“法律規定的國家考試”。
具體而言,根據有關法律規定,下列考試屬于“法律規定的國家考試(national-level exams stipulated by law)”:
(1)普通高等學校招生考試(the national college entrance exam)、研究生招生考試(the postgraduate entrance exam)、高等教育自學考試(exam for self-taught students)、成人高等學校招生考試(entrance exam for continuing education)等國家教育考試;
(2)中央和地方公務員錄用考試(the national and local civil servant exams);
(3)國家統一法律職業資格考試、國家教師資格考試、注冊會計師全國統一考試、會計專業技術資格考試、資產評估師資格考試、醫師資格考試、執業藥師職業資格考試、注冊建筑師考試、建造師執業資格考試等專業技術資格考試(national exams to obtain professional qualifications like those for teachers, lawyers, accountants, physicians, pharmacists, and architects);
刑法規定,在法律規定的國家考試中,組織作弊或者為他人實施組織作弊犯罪提供作弊器材或其他幫助的,即構成組織考試作弊罪,處三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役(detention or less than three years in prison),并處或者單處罰金;情節嚴重的(for serious cases),處三年以上七年以下有期徒刑(three to seven years in prison),并處罰金。
在普通高等學校招生考試、研究生招生考試、公務員錄用考試中組織考試作弊的(organize cheating in national college entrance exam, postgraduate entrance exam and public servant exam);
導致考試推遲、取消或者啟用備用試題的(cause delay or cancellation of the exam);
考試工作人員組織考試作弊的(the offender works for the authorities organizing and overseeing the exam);
組織考生跨省、自治區、直轄市作弊的(organize cheating in other provinces,autonomous regions or municipalities);
多次組織考試作弊的(repeatedly organize cheating in exams);
組織30人次以上作弊的(organize 30 or more people to cheat in an exam);
提供作弊器材50件以上的(provide more than 50 cheating devices);
違法所得30萬元以上的(obtain an illegal gain of at least 300,000 yuan);
“具有避開或者突破考場防范作弊的安全管理措施,獲取、記錄、傳遞、接收、存儲考試試題、答案等功能的程序、工具(applications or devices that can evade security checks and help gain, record, convey, receive or store questions and answers of the exams),以及專門設計用于作弊的程序、工具,應當認定為刑法第二百八十四條之一第二款規定的‘作弊器材’。”