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中國日報網 2019-09-30 10:17


成都大熊貓繁育研究基地 Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding


The Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Sichuan province said visitors will have to book tickets online during the upcoming National Day holiday that runs from Oct 1 to 7. Tickets will not be sold at the base's ticket office or ticket-selling machines during the period, according to a circular released by the base.

As many as 60,000 tickets will be sold online for a single day over the period, 36,000 tickets for the morning and 24,000 for the afternoon.

The maximum number of visitors allowed in the base at one time will be 22,000.


日常使用中at和time搭配的短語有好幾個,比如,at times, at a time, at one time。這幾個短語在用法上有一些區別:at times表示“有時”,跟sometimes用法類似,比如,I like Bob but he's very annoying at times.(我喜歡鮑勃,但是他有時也很煩人。)At a time一般表示“一次,每次”,比如,please come in, one at a time.(請進吧,一次進一個。)At one time一般表示“過去某一時期,曾經一度”(與once接近)或“同時”的意思,比如,I used to live here at one time.(我曾經住在這兒。)用作“同時”講的時候,at one time和at a time可以相互替換使用,所以,上文中的句子也可以寫為:The maximum number of visitors allowed in the base at a time will be 22,000.

公告表示,實時游客量達到2.2萬人上限時,將暫停檢票入園(suspend admission);待游客量減少后重啟檢票。



閱兵安排 military parade preparations





The military parade for the upcoming National Day celebrations, which will take place in Beijing on Oct 1, will involve around 15,000 military personnel.The scale of the parade will be the largest in recent years.

A total of 59 formations and a military band, including more than 160 aircraft and 580 pieces of equipment, will be featured in the parade.

The parade will consist of two parts. First, the troops will be reviewed along Chang'an Avenue; then, airborne flag-guarding echelons, foot formations, armament formations and air echelons will pass through or fly across Tian'anmen Square. The parade will last for about 80 minutes.

Foot formations are comprised of 15 formations of guards of honor, servicewomen, civilian personnel, reserve forces, militia, peacekeepers, among others.

A total of 32 armament formations will join the parade, including those of land combat operation, maritime combat operation and air defense and missile defense.

Bombers, naval aircraft, fighters and other weaponry will fly in 12 air echelons.


A selection of new weapons utilized by the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) will feature in the parade.

All the weapons and equipment to feature in the parade are domestic and in active service with a high level of IT application and better strike accuracy.

The new weapons also display a joint combat system of the PLA and innovative features from China's national defense industry.


The military parade this year is the first of its kind since socialism with Chinese characteristics entered a new era and the first public appearance of the people's army after its comprehensive reform and restructuring, Wu said.

A total of 188 military attaches from 97 countries stationed in China have been invited to watch the military parade, Wu said.


China has no intention nor need to flex its muscles in the military parade, said Wu Qian, a spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense, at the group interview.

Over the last 70 years, with the enhancing military strength, China has made great contributions to the world, Wu said, adding that the stronger the country is, the greater constructive role it will play in keeping world peace.

There is a flawed logic blaming the Chinese military for "flexing its muscles" if it showcases its weapons and "having no transparency" if it does not, Wu said.

"The best way to deal with such logic is to focus on one's own missions," Wu said.

China's armed forces will resolutely safeguard China's sovereignty, security and development interests, actively contribute to building a community with a shared future for humanity and stride forward along its own path to build a stronger military under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Wu said.


平潭海峽公鐵大橋 Pingtan Strait Road-rail Bridge



The Pingtan Strait Road-rail Bridge, the world's longest cross-sea road-rail bridge, connects Pingtan Island and four nearby islets to the mainland of Fujian province.


英語中表示“島”的詞常見的有island,islet以及isle,注意哦,這三個單詞里面的字母s都不發音,分別讀作['a?l?nd],['a?l?t]以及[a?l]。其中,isle跟island意思相同,均表示四周都被水包圍的一片陸地,只不過isle多用于詩歌以及島嶼的名稱,比如,the British Isles(不列顛群島);islet指比較小的島(a small island)。

平潭海峽公鐵大橋是福州至平潭鐵路控制性工程,也是“十三五”規劃中北京至臺灣高鐵的先期工程(preliminary project of the Beijing-Taiwan highspeed railway)。

大橋起于福州市長樂區,“踏”過四座小島后抵達中國第五大島平潭,上層設計為時速100公里的六車道高速公路(six-lane expressway),下層為設計時速200公里的高鐵(high-speed railway)。據福建福平鐵路公司介紹,大橋計劃2020年正式通車(open to traffic in 2020)。

The bridge can help shorten travel time from two hours to half an hour between Fuzhou, capital city of Fujian province and Pingtan, a pilot zone set up to facilitate trade and cultural exchanges across the Taiwan Strait.

2013年,平潭海峽公鐵大橋正式動工。建設者們創造性地研發運用了一系列新結構、新材料、新工藝、新裝備,成功突破了“建橋禁區( a "no-go zone" for bridge-building)”。


全國重點文物保護單位 major historical and cultural sites protected at the national level




With 762 new sites added to the list, the number of major historical and cultural sites protected at the national level will reach 5,058, many of them located in Shanxi, Henan, Hebei, Zhejiang and Shaanxi provinces.


全國重點文物保護單位(major historical and cultural sites protected at the national level)是中華文明的優秀代表和重要標識。1961年,國務院核定公布了第一批180處國保單位。根據2002年10月28日第九屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十次會議通過的《中華人民共和國文物保護法》第十三條的規定,國務院文物行政部門在省級、市、縣級文物保護單位中,選擇具有重大歷史、藝術、科學價值的(those with significant historical, artistic and scientific value)確定為全國重點文物保護單位,或者直接確定為全國重點文物保護單位,報國務院核定公布。

會議強調,要堅持價值優先、質量第一(the value and quality of the cultural relics should be prioritized),保證真實性、完整性(their originality and completeness preserved),健全法規制度(improve relevant laws and regulations),吸引社會力量參與,有效保護、管理和合理利用中華民族的寶貴歷史遺存(ensure effective protection, management and proper utilization of the valuable heritage sites of the Chinese nation),促進中華文明薪火相傳,增強民族自信心凝聚力。


國家勛章和國家榮譽稱號頒授儀式 awarding ceremony of national medals, honorary titles


President Xi Jinping granted the Medal of the Republic, the Friendship Medal and national honorary titles to the honorees at a ceremony held in the Great Hall of the People at 10 am Sunday.

“共和國勛章(the Medal of the Republic)”


“共和國勛章”以紅色、金色為主色調,章體采用國徽、五角星、黃河、長江、山峰、牡丹等元素(the national emblem,a five-pointed star,the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, mountains and a peony),章鏈采用中國結、如意、蘭花等元素(Chinese knots, Ruyi and orchids),整體使用冷壓成型、花絲鑲嵌、琺瑯等工藝制作,象征勛章獲得者為共和國建設和發展作出的巨大貢獻,禮贊國家最高榮譽(the highest state honor),祝福祖國繁榮昌盛,寓意全國各族人民團結一心共筑中華民族偉大復興的中國夢。

授予為黨、國家和人民的事業作出巨大貢獻、功勛卓著的杰出人士(those with great contributions and distinguished service for the Party, the country and the people),這是根據憲法法律規定,由全國人大常委會決定、國家主席簽發證書并頒授的國家勛章,是國家最高榮譽(the highest honor of the country)。

“友誼勛章(the Friendship Medal)”


“友誼勛章”以金色、藍色為主色調,章體采用和平鴿、地球、握手、荷花等元素(a peace dove, the Earth, a handshake, and a lotus),章鏈采用中國結、萬年青、牡丹、玉璧、蘭草等元素(the chain features elements such as Chinese knots, evergreens, peonies, a jade disc and orchids),整體使用花絲鑲嵌(filigree and inlay)、掐絲琺瑯(cloisonne)等傳統工藝手工制作,象征中國人民同各國人民友好團結、友誼長存,祝愿世界各國共同繁榮發展。

授予為我國社會主義現代化建設和促進中外交流合作、維護世界和平作出杰出貢獻的外國人(foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to China's socialist modernization drive, promoted exchange and cooperation between China and the world, and helped maintain world peace),為國家最高榮譽。


國家榮譽稱號(national titles of honor)


國家榮譽稱號獎章以紅色、金色為主色調,章體采用五星、天安門、牡丹、旗幟、光芒等元素(five-pointed stars,the Tian'anmen Square, peonies, flags and rays of light),章鏈采用中國結、花卉等元素(Chinese knots and flowers),整體使用冷壓成型、花絲鑲嵌、琺瑯等工藝制作,象征國家榮譽稱號獲得者在各領域各行業作出的重大貢獻,彰顯示范引領作用,激勵全國各族人民不忘初心、牢記使命,為實現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢而不懈奮斗。

授予在經濟、社會、國防、外交、教育、科技、文化、衛生、體育等各領域各行業作出重大貢獻、享有崇高聲譽的杰出人士(prominent figures who have made great contributions and earned reputations in fields such as economy, society, national defense, diplomacy, education, science, culture, health and sports)。


The awardees are outstanding representatives of the people who contributed to the cause of the Party and the people,and their deeds and contributions will always be marked in the history of the PRC.

When people respect and advocate heroes, more heroes will come to the fore, the Party and the state have always attached great importance to honoring heroes and role models.

Today, we honor these heroes and role models with the highest standards to promote their qualities of loyalty, perseverance and humbleness, their loyalty to the cause of the Party and the people, their dedication to hard work for decades in a row in the fields where the Party and the people need them most, and their humbleness to make huge sacrifice at ordinary job posts without pursuing fame or self-interests.

Heroes and role models once again demonstrate with their actions that greatness comes out of the ordinary, adhering to firm ideals and convictions and working tirelessly to have their jobs done, every ordinary person can have an extraordinary life and every ordinary job can produce extraordinary achievements.

Chinese people are willing to work with people of all countries to build a community with a shared future for humanity and to make the planet a better place.


(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)

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