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4. 執政百日
100 days in office
The White House on Tuesday set up a new website to showcase what US President Donald Trump has accomplished in his first 100 days in office.
29日,美國總統特朗普將迎來首個"執政百日"(first 100 days in office)。白宮開設的新網頁寫道:在首個執政百日內,特朗普采取大膽行動(take bold action)以恢復繁榮(restore prosperity)、保障美國安全(keep Americans safe and secure)、組建負責任政府(hold government accountable);特朗普將執政重點放在重建軍隊(rebuild the military)、終止非法移民(end illegal immigration)和重振經濟信心(restore confidence in economy)上,遵守了對美國民眾的承諾(keep his promises to the American people)。
美國有線電視新聞網稱,近幾十年來,一屆政府的初期執政表現已成為衡量總統執政能力的晴雨表(the opening stretch of an administration has become the barometer of a commander in chief's governing power)。特朗普就職數小時后就簽署行政令(executive order),指示聯邦機構減輕前任總統奧巴馬簽署的醫療保健法,即"奧巴馬醫改"的負擔(direct federal agencies to ease the burden of his predecessor Barack Obama's health care law, or Obamacare)。1月23日,特朗普簽署行政令,宣布美國退出《跨太平洋伙伴關系協定》(withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership)。1月25日,特朗普簽署行政令,指示在美國和墨西哥邊境建造一座墻(direct the construction of a wall on the US-Mexico border)。1月27日,特朗普簽署了被稱為"禁穆令"的旅行禁令(travel ban),禁止7個以穆斯林人口為主的國家的所有難民和公民入境美國(ban on travel to the US by all refugees and people from seven majority-Muslim nations)。近日,特朗普簽署了一項要求"買美國貨,雇美國人"的行政令(sign a "Buy American, Hire American" executive order),著手實施簽證和政府采購改革(initiate visa and government purchase reforms)。本月26日,特朗普政府還公布了將大幅削減個人和企業所得稅的稅改方案的準則(unveil the principles of the tax reform plan that will significantly cut income taxes for Americans and corporates)。
總統就職典禮 presidential inauguration
宣誓就職儀式 swearing-in ceremony
宣誓就職 take the oath of office
即將上任的總統 incoming president
競選口號 campaign slogan
前任者 predecessor
繼任者 successor
上一篇 : 4月新聞熱詞匯總
下一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(4.29-5.5)
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