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Profile: Xi Jinping: Pursuing dream for 1.3 billion Chinese
After he was elected vice president in 2008, Xi visited more than 40 countries and regions and became increasingly skilled in handling complicated international issues. Shortly after he served as the top CPC leader last year, Xi met with foreign experts working in China and sought their views and suggestions on China's development. "China is ready to learn from the achievements of all other cultures," he said. Since November last year, Xi has met delegations from the United States, Russia, the Republic of Korea and Japan, and representatives from the United Nations, the African Union and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. His confident and pragmatic approach has made him well-known among foreign diplomats. He reassured the world of China's peaceful development with his ideas regarding win-win cooperation and mutual benefit. Since China and the world share common interests, the "Chinese dream" cannot be realized without peace and development in the world, Xi said. A prosperous and stable world community offers opportunities to China, while China's development presents great opportunities to the world, he said. He called for other countries also to engage in peaceful development in order to develop peaceful coexistence. "No country should assume that we will trade our core interests for benefits, nor will we swallow the 'bitter fruit' of harming our sovereignty, security or development interests," he said.
2008年擔任中國國家副主席后,習近平出訪了40多個國家和地區,足跡遍及五大洲。5年的豐富外交實踐,錘煉了習近平處理復雜國際事務的能力,展示了他自信務實、睿智開放的形象,也為他贏得了很多朋友。 具有寬廣國際視野的習近平認為,中國與世界已成為利益共同體,中國夢的實現離不開世界的和平與發展。放眼全球,他指出:世界繁榮穩定是中國的機遇,中國發展也是世界的機遇。中國不僅是合作共贏的積極倡導者,更是合作共贏的切實踐行者。合作共贏、互為機遇的理念給國際社會吃了一顆“定心丸”。 擔任中共中央總書記后,習近平的第一場外事活動是會見在華工作的外國專家。他認真聽取了專家們對中國發展的看法和建議。他說:“國與國友好的基礎是否扎實,關鍵在于人民友誼是否深厚”,“我們的事業是向世界開放學習的事業”,中國將“更加注重學習吸收世界各國人民創造的優秀文明成果,同世界各國相互借鑒、取長補短。”媒體認為,這次會見表明,習近平重視人民友好往來,重視各國相互學習。 外界注意到,在習近平頻繁的外事會見中,包括了來自美國、俄羅斯、韓國、日本等國和聯合國、非盟、上海合作組織等國際和地區組織的客人。在不同外交場合,他都在不斷重申中國和平發展的理念。在今年1月主持中共中央政治局第三次集體學習時,習近平就十多次提到和平發展,指出走和平發展道路是戰略抉擇,要增強戰略定力。他強調,中國走和平發展道路,其他國家也都要走和平發展道路,只有各國都走和平發展道路,各國才能共同發展,國與國才能和平相處。 同時,他也明晰劃定中國維護核心利益的底線,“任何外國不要指望我們會拿自己的核心利益做交易,不要指望我們會吞下損害我國主權、安全、發展利益的苦果。”習近平“強勢而不強硬”的表述為未來中國外交定下了基調。
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