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Profile: Xi Jinping: Pursuing dream for 1.3 billion Chinese
FOR PEOPLE In his first public speech after being elected the general secretary in November, Xi showed his leadership style by reaching out to ordinary people and highlighting the role the people have played. Xi considers the people to be a source of strength and vows to stand by them in good times and bad. "Our people have an ardent love for life. They wish to have better education, more stable jobs, more income, greater social security, better medical and health care, improved housing conditions and better environment," Xi said in the speech. "They want their children to grow well, have ideal jobs and lead a more enjoyable life," he said. "To meet their desire for a happy life is our mission." Xi has been concerned with the smog that affected people in many parts of the country. He ordered measures to cope with the air pollution, and asked government departments to join all sectors in the society to build a "Beautiful China." On Dec. 1, 2012, the World AIDS Day, Xi visited a community clinic in Beijing, and shook hands with HIV carriers and AIDS patients, stressing that the whole society must be involved in fighting the disease, and every patient must be taken care of. Shortly before the Spring Festival, Xi took to Beijing streets to give holiday regards to subway workers, sanitation workers, police officers and taxi drivers. "I know that you cannot rest during the holiday, so I come here to see you," Xi told them. For the past decades, Xi has immersed himself in the populace and strived to work for the benefit of the people. "To solve problems in China, we should rely on not only the CPC and the government, but also the 1.3 billion people," he said. In line with the down-to-earth style he has advocated, Xi has traveled to poor counties and villages for visiting the most needy people. In order to get a real picture of poverty, Xi, after assuming general secretary, traveled three times to areas that are "extremely impoverished." "The general secretary is easy-going and he talks like any one of us," 69-year-old farmer Tang Rongbin said while recalling Xi's visit to his home in Hebei Province. "We chatted for half an hour. He asked me how many TV channels I can watch, and whether I can make long-distance calls with my landline," Tang said. "He's like an old friend of mine." Xi brought cooking oil, flour, quilts and coats to families in the village of Luotuowan in Hebei during his visit in December. "Without prosperity in rural China, particularly those impoverished areas, we can't complete building a moderately prosperous society in all respects," Xi said. |
情懷——“為人民利益不懈奮斗” “我們的人民熱愛生活,期盼有更好的教育、更穩定的工作、更滿意的收入、更可靠的社會保障、更高水平的醫療衛生服務、更舒適的居住條件、更優美的環境,期盼孩子們能成長得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民對美好生活的向往,就是我們的奮斗目標?!绷暯疆斶x總書記后的首次公開講話,鮮明宣示了他帶領中國共產黨執政為民的堅定決心。 他堅信,“人民群眾是我們力量的源泉”,誓言“一定要始終與人民心心相印、與人民同甘共苦、與人民團結奮斗。”他看重“人民的力量”,指出“中國的事情,既要靠黨和政府,也要靠13億人民”。 “沒有農村的小康,特別是沒有貧困地區的小康,就沒有全面建成小康社會?!绷暯绞冀K牽掛著貧困地區群眾的冷暖。為了看到“真貧”,為了研究貧困地區脫貧致富的路子,他三赴外地考察,每次都特意到集中連片特困地區和貧困家庭去看望和調研。他和困難群眾盤腿坐在炕上拉家常、詢問生病的群眾吃什么藥、相互攙扶著走在雪地上的親民形象,和“咱們一塊兒努力,把日子越過越紅火”的質樸語言,都深深印在人們腦海里。 他的親和、細心,讓接觸過的人記憶猶新:“習總書記沒有架子。他像咱老百姓一樣說話?!保叮箽q的河北農民唐榮斌回憶說,總書記和我聊了半個小時,“他讓我打開電視,問我能看幾個臺,還問我家里的電話能不能打長途。他像個老朋友?!比ツ辏保苍?,習近平來到河北阜平駱駝灣,給村民帶去了食用油、面粉等慰問品。 習近平十分關心一線勞動者?!爸来蠹夜澣詹荒苄菹ⅲ瑏砜纯创蠹遥 ?013年春節前夕,習近平來到北京街頭,在寒風中向地鐵施工工人、環衛工人、街頭巡邏民警、出租車司機拜年,給他們帶去新春的祝福,詢問他們有什么困難,政府能為他們做些什么。在地鐵8號線南鑼鼓巷站施工工地,習近平特地走進一間為農民工家人團聚安排的“夫妻房”,看望鋼筋工范勇一家。他親切地說:“來一趟不容易,看看北京的景點,好好團聚一下?!?/p> 群眾之所憂,也是習近平之所想。一段時間以來,霧霾天氣影響了我國許多地區,對人民群眾的工作和生活造成了很大影響。習近平對此十分重視,明確要求務必下定決心,堅決治理,有關地方和部門要出臺有力舉措,引導和動員全社會力量共同應對,為實現美麗中國的發展目標作出應有貢獻。 在世界艾滋病日,習近平特地來到北京一家社區藥物維持治療門診部,同艾滋病感染者握手交談,和志愿者互動交流,了解艾滋病的預防和治療情況,強調要全民參與、全力投入、全面預防,讓每個艾滋病感染者和病人都感受到黨和政府的關懷、感受到社會的溫暖。
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