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中國日報網 2015-09-23 09:24



6. China has had a tumultuous summer, with plummeting stock markets, a devaluation of the renminbi and signs of economic weakness. Many investors around the world wonder if the Chinese economy is weaker than the official figures show and if the government is sufficiently in control. What's your assessment of the economy and what is being done to shore up confidence among Chinese and global investors?

XI: China's economic growth is still one of the fastest in the world. In the first half of the year, the Chinese economy grew by 7%, which is hard-won considering the intricacy and changeable nature of the overall global economy. A growth rate of around 7% would be sufficient to reach our goal of doubling the 2010 GOP and per capita income by 2020.

The Chinese economy is still operating within the proper range. What China needs is a higher quality and efficiency of economic development by successfully addressing the problem of unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development, so that our economy will be put on a more solid basis and go forward more steadily. We are stepping up efforts to shift our growth model, make structural adjustment and place greater emphasis on developing an innovation and consumption-driven economy. It is our hope that by solving these problems, China's economy will transform itself and retain its robust dynamism for development.

Against the overall global economic backdrop, many countries have encountered difficulties. The Chinese economy is also under a downward pressure. But it is a problem in the course of progress. What I want to emphasize, in particular, is that whatever happens, China will stay strongly committed to deepening its reform on all fronts while opening still wider to the outside world. We will work in a coordinated fashion to ensure growth, promote reform, make structural adjustment, improve people's well-being and forestall risks, enhancing and innovating macro-regulation and ensuring steady and fairly rapid economic development. With China steadily promoting a new type of industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization, its household savings rate being so high and consumer spending enjoying a huge potential plus its diligent workforce, its rising middle-income population, its robust service sector and its vast and potential-rich market, China has the capacity and is in the position to maintain a medium-high growth in the years to come.
在當前世界經濟大環境下,各國經濟都面臨著困難,中國經濟也面臨著一定下行壓力,但這是前進中的問題。我想特別強調,無論發生什么情況,中國都將堅定不移全面深化改革,不斷擴大開放。我們將統籌穩增長、促改革、調結構、惠民生、防風險,加強和創新宏觀調控,促進經濟平穩較快發展。中國新型工業化、信息化、 城鎮化、農業現代化持續推進,居民儲蓄率高,消費潛力巨大,人民工作勤奮,中等收入者比重在提高,服務業發展勢頭強勁,市場空間和潛力都很大,今后一個時期保持經濟中高速增長有基礎也有條件。

To understand China's economy, one needs to take a longer view. If you liken it to a large ship on the sea, the question you ask is whether it is sailing in the right direction, does it have sufficient engine power and energy to stay long. Any ship, however large, may occasionally get unstable sailing on the high sea. Investors will come to a right judgment if they have a full understanding of China's progress in economic development since the start of reform and opening-up, of China's strategies formulated recently to ensure sustained and steady growth, and of the relevant data and trends in China's economic performance. The report released by the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai showed that 95% of the surveyed businesses have planned to increase or maintain their investment in China. That is a decision made by over 300 American entrepreneurs, a decision I believe all smart investors will make.



















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