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5. 單獨重賽
re-race alone, solo re-run
China unfortunately lost the chance to enter the women's 4x100m final at Rio Olympics after the US successfully appealed its chance to re-race alone on Thursday morning local time.
在里約奧運會田徑女子4x100接力預賽(women's 4x100m relay prelims)中,美國隊二棒費利克斯在第二次交接時掉棒(bungled the second baton exchange),導致成績無效。賽后,美國隊申訴要求重跑(team USA petitioned for a re-run),費利克斯稱,她與隊友準備交接棒時,旁邊一位巴西選手的肘部碰到了她(a Brazilian sprinter elbowed her as she was making a baton pass to her teammate)。
慢鏡頭回放顯示,巴西選手準備接棒時已經處于其賽道邊緣(the edge of her lane),她甩出的胳膊肘撞到了費利克斯的胳膊(she swung an elbow out that hit Felix in the arm)。賽會由此認定美國隊的申訴有效,國際田聯(International Association of Athletics Federations, IAAF)允許美國隊在當日晚上7點單獨重賽(re-run alone)。美國隊單獨重跑成績為41秒77,將原先以42秒70的成績排在決賽名單最后一位的中國隊擠掉(send China out of the original finalists among which its result of 42.70 seconds was placed last),晉級決賽。
中國田徑隊對國際田聯的決定表示抗議(protest against the decision),兩次提出申訴(appeal)。中國隊認為,允許美國隊單獨重跑非常不公平,因為單獨賽跑的比賽環境與預賽時完全不同,且無權取消中國隊的決賽資格,因為中國隊是通過正常的預賽晉級的。中國因此要求9支隊伍入圍決賽,并提議決賽分兩組進行(request 9 teams to jointly qualify and run in two groups for the final)。然而,中國隊的申訴被國際田聯駁回(be rejected by the IAAF),中國隊稱尊重最后的結果。
田徑 track and field
十項全能 decathlon
跨欄賽跑 hurdles
接力賽跑 relay (race)
犯規 foul
上一篇 : 奧運熱詞榜(8.6-12)
下一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(8.20-26)
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