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2. 奧運精神,奧林匹克精神
the Olympic spirit
President Xi Jinping issued a rallying call on Thursday for the Olympic spirit to be practiced in helping to realize the "Chinese Dream" of national rejuvenation.
《奧林匹克憲章(the Olympic Charter)》指出,奧林匹克精神就是相互了解、友誼、團結和公平競爭的精神(mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play)。奧林匹克精神可以用the Olympic spirit來表達,類似的表達有the spirit of the Chinese women's volleyball team(中國女排精神),the never-say-die spirit(永不言棄的精神)。
國家主席習近平25日下午在北京人民大會堂(the Great Hall of the People)會見第31屆奧林匹克運動會中國體育代表團(the Chinese sports delegation)全體成員。習近平強調,我國體育健兒在里約奧運會上的出色表現,生動詮釋了奧林匹克精神和中華體育精神(the Chinese athletes have demonstrated the Olympic spirit and the spirit of Chinese sports with their brilliant performances at the Rio Olympic Games),為祖國爭了光(bring glory to the country),為民族爭了氣,為奧運增了輝,為人生添了彩,激發了全國人民的愛國熱情和全世界中華兒女的民族自豪感,增強了中華民族的凝聚力、向心力、自信心(strengthen the nation's cohesiveness and confidence),是中國精神的一個重要體現。
在里約奧運會上,中國取得了26枚金牌、18枚銀牌、26枚銅牌的優異成績,位居獎牌、金牌榜前三(China swept 26 gold, 18 silver and 26 bronze medals at Rio, ranking among the top three on the medal or gold medal tally),續寫了中國體育新輝煌。習近平強調,我們不以勝負論英雄。在奧運會這樣高水平的競爭場合,沒拿到獎牌,但在比賽中做了最好的自己的運動員,同樣值得尊敬和表揚(those athletes who did not win medals but performed personal bests should also be respected and praised)。中國女排(the Chinese women's volleyball team)時隔12年再奪奧運金牌(win the first volleyball gold in 12 years),充分展現了中國女排精神,全國人民都很振奮。
習近平還表示,希望把籌辦2022年冬奧會、冬殘奧會作為推動我國體育事業發展的重大機遇(take the preparation for and hosting of the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics as a great opportunity to advance our sports development),全力籌辦一屆"精彩、非凡、卓越(fantastic, extraordinary and excellent)"的冬奧會、冬殘奧會,加快我國冰雪運動普及發展。最后,習近平用里約奧運會期間人們經常喊的口號結束了講話:我們的運動員們加油!中國隊加油!中國加油!(the president concluded his speech with well-known slogans during the Rio Games: "Go athletes! Go Team China! Go China!" )
競技體育 competitive sports
休閑體育 recreational sports
全民健身活動 public fitness activities
奧林匹克休戰墻 Olympic Truce Mural
奧運賽事 Olympic events
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