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3. 細菌耐藥
antimicrobial resistance, AMR
China announced a State-level plan on Thursday to curb antimicrobial resistance, which involves 14 ministries and agencies, including health, agriculture, food and drug, and environmental protection.
細菌耐藥(antimicrobial resistance, AMR)是全球公共健康領域面臨的一項重大挑戰(a major global public health challenge)。細菌耐藥指細菌、真菌、病毒、寄生生物(bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites)等微生物對于抗菌藥物的耐受性(resistance of a microorganism to an antimicrobial drug),起初該藥物能對這種微生物引起的感染進行有效治療(that was originally effective for treatment of infections caused by it)。 耐藥性根據其發生原因可分為獲得耐藥性(acquired resistance)和固有耐藥性(intrinsic resistance)。
《遏制細菌耐藥國家行動計劃(2016-2020年)》的出臺背景是:抗菌藥物廣泛應用于醫療衛生(be widely used in health care)、農業養殖領域,在治療感染性疾病挽救患者生命(treat infectious diseases and save patients' lives)、防治動物疫病(animal epidemic prevention and treatment)提高養殖效益以及保障公共衛生安全中,發揮了重要作用。但是,由于新型抗菌藥物研發能力(R&D capability)不足、藥店無處方銷售抗菌藥物(sales of antimicrobial drugs without prescriptions in some pharmacies)、醫療和養殖領域不合理應用抗菌藥物、制藥企業(pharmaceutical enterprise)廢棄物排放(waste discharge)不達標、群眾合理用藥(rational drug use)意識不高等多種因素,細菌耐藥問題日益突出。
文件提出,從國家層面實施綜合治理策略和措施,對抗菌藥物的研發、生產、流通、應用環節加強監管(intensify oversight in research and development, production, distribution and application of antimicrobial drugs),加強宣傳教育、加強國際交流合作(intensify international cooperation and exchanges),應對細菌耐藥帶來的風險挑戰。到2020年,爭取研發上市全新抗菌藥物1-2個,新型診斷儀器設備和試劑5-10項(one or two new antimicrobial drugs, and five to ten new testing devices as well as reagents will be developed and made available by 2020)。零售藥店憑處方銷售抗菌藥物的比例基本達到全覆蓋(basically all retail drugstores should sell antimicrobial drugs only when provided with prescriptions),省(區、市)憑獸醫處方銷售抗菌藥物的比例達到50%。全國二級以上醫院基本建立抗菌藥物臨床應用管理機制(establish a management mechanism to strictly control clinical application of antimicrobial drugs)。對醫務人員、養殖一線獸醫和養殖業從業人員完成抗菌藥物合理應用培訓(medical staff, veterinarians and employees of poultry and livestock industries finish training on the proper use of antimicrobial drugs);全面實施中小學抗菌藥物合理應用科普教育(all primary and middle school students should be educated on the issue)。
衛生條件 sanitary conditions
耐藥感染 drug-resistant infections
耐藥菌株,抗性品系 resistant strains
抗生素耐藥 antibiotic resistance
抗生素濫用 antibiotic abuse
診斷試驗 diagnostic test
上一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(8.13-19)
下一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(8.27-9.2)
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