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It means your career runs into setback and you are forced to slow down.
China on Monday dismissed a media report stating that DPRK had informed Beijing of plans to carry out more nuclear tests.
Brexit和Brixit是對英國退出歐盟的一種戲虐說法,即British exit or Britain exiting from the EU(英國退出歐盟)。
Tonight, thanks to the grit and determination of the American people, there is much progress to report.
Smog blanketed Beijing and parts of northern China on Sunday, disrupting many passengers' plans of returning to work after the Spring Festival holiday.
根據限定繼承法案,伯爵遠方侄子Matthew Crawley將成為下一任繼承人,但是老伯爵遺孀,伯爵夫人以及大女兒Mary卻一心想推翻限定繼承法,由大女兒Mary繼承全部財產。
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